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Release notes

The Agora Signaling SDK provides a streamlined and stable messaging mechanism for you to quickly implement real-time messaging for various scenarios. See product overview for more information.

This page contains information on the following releases:


v2.2.1 was released on August 9, 2024.

Compatibility changes

This release optimizes the implementation of the following features, which involves renaming, deleting, or modifying the behavior of some APIs. To ensure the proper functioning of your project, modify your implementation after upgrading the SDK.

  • Removes the createMetadata method. Refer to the sample code below to modify your implementation:

    // Before v2.2.1
    Metadata metadata = rtmClient.getStorage().createMetadata();

    // v2.2.1 or later
    Metadata metadata = new Metadata();

  • Removes the StateItem class, and changes the type of the following parameters from ArrayList<StateItem> to HashMap<String, String>:

  • Adds CERTIFICATION_VERIFY_FAILURE(22) in RtmConnectionChangeReason. The values of STREAM_CHANNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE and INCONSISTENT_APPID change to 23 and 24, respectively.

New features

  1. Private deployment capability

    This release adds the privateConfig parameter in RtmConfig to set private deployment. See Private deployment configuration.

  2. Heartbeat interval configuration

    This release adds the heartbeatInterval parameter in RtmConfig to set the interval at which the SDK sends heartbeat packets to the server. See Heartbeat interval and presence timeout parameters.

  3. Dual environment configuration

    This release adds the protocolType parameter in RtmConfig to set the network transport protocol. See Connection protocol.

  4. User channel

    This release adds the USER type in RtmChannelType for sending messages to specific users. This feature can replace the peer-to-peer messaging feature in v1.

  5. Quiet mode configuration

    This release adds the beQuiet property in SubscribeOptions and JoinChannelOptions to enable quiet mode when subscribing or joining a channel. Once you enable the quiet mode, other users in the channel cannot receive your presence event notifications.


  1. Connection state management

    This release deprecates the onConnectionStateChanged callback and adds the onLinkStateEvent callback instead. See Connection management for details.

  2. REMOTE_STATE_CHANGED event notification logic

    This release changes the triggering logic of the REMOTE_STATE_CHANGED event. When a user sets or modifies multiple key-value pairs at once, other users in the channel receive only one event notification.

  3. Support for event notification timestamps

    This release adds a new timestamp parameter in the following data structures to report the timestamp of the triggered event notification:

  4. Optimized API behavior

    This release improves the behavior of the following APIs:

    • login
      • Before v2.2.1: The SDK does not support multiple consecutive calls to this method, or passing an empty string in the token parameter.
      • v2.2.1 or later: The SDK supports multiple consecutive calls to this method without the need for additional calls to logout in between. Additionally, when the token parameter is an empty string, the SDK uses the app ID you provided during initialization as a replacement for the token.
    • subscribe
      • Before v2.2.1: The SDK does not support multiple consecutive calls to this method.
      • v2.2.1 or later: The SDK supports multiple consecutive calls to this method.
    • join
      • Before v2.2.1: The SDK does not support multiple consecutive calls to this method, or passing an empty string in the token parameter.
      • v2.2.1 or later: The SDK supports multiple consecutive calls to this method. Additionally, when the token parameter is an empty string, the SDK uses the app ID you provided during initialization as a replacement for the token.
  5. Range of presenceTimeout

    This release changes the range of the presenceTimeout parameter in the RtmConfig from [10, 300] to [5, 300].

  6. Other improvements

    This release also enhances the underlying algorithm capability to improve the data synchronization speed.

Fixed issues

This release fixed the issue that remote users occasionally did not receive the REMOTE_LEAVE event notification when the local user directly called the logout method without calling the leave method.


v2.1.12 was released on July 2, 2024.


This release includes the following improvements:

  • For data synchronization errors caused by network issues, this release introduces a user logout mechanism, which ensures that the SDK automatically logs out of the Signaling system.
  • Unsubscribing from a message channel during network disconnection will no longer return an error.

Fixed issues

This release fixed the following issues:

  • During a disconnection with the Signaling system under poor network conditions, the user experienced errors when unsubscribing from a message channel.
  • Under poor network conditions, the user occasionally failed to receive callbacks after a successful login.
  • After reconnecting from a disconnection, the user occasionally could not receive the onStorageEvent event notification.
  • After reconnecting from a disconnection, the SDK occasionally failed to restore subscription relationships in the stream channel.
  • Occasional failure to receive topic messages from web clients.


v2.1.11 was released on May 13, 2024.


This release optimizes the response mechanism when subscribing to or joining channels with the withPresence=true setting. If the user does not receive the SNAPSHOT type of onPresenceEvent event notification within 5 seconds, the SDK will report the CHANNEL_PRESENCE_NOT_READY error code in the resultCallback parameter.

Fixed issues

This release fixed the following issues:

  • In specific scenarios, after logging out of the Signaling system and logging back in, occasional failures occurred when subscribing to or joining channels with the withPresence=true setting.
  • In cases where the connection was lost due to network issues and then restored, if the local user actively called the leave method to leave the channel, the remote user occasionally did not receive the REMOTE_TIMEOUT type of the onPresenceEvent event notification.
  • Occasional failures occurred when frequently calling the subscribe and unsubscribe methods.


v2.1.10 was released on March 11, 2024.

Fixed issues

This release fixed the following issues:

  • When sending messages frequently, message sending occasionally timed out.
  • After calling renewToken to renew the token, some services were not functioning correctly, resulting in unexpected disconnection.


v2.1.9 was released on February 22, 2024.

Compatibility changes

This release improves message publishing options as follows:

  • Removes the sendTs parameter and adds the channelType parameter in PublishOptions. See details in PublishOptions.
  • Modifies the type of the options parameter in the publishTopicMessage method from PublishOptions to TopicMessageOptions. See details in TopicMessageOptions.

Make sure to modify the implementation of the relevant features after upgrading the SDK.


This release adds the following improvements:

  • Adds error codes: INVALID_CHANNEL_TYPE, RTM_ERROR_INVALID_ENCRYPTION_PARAMETER, and RTM_ERROR_OPERATION_RATE_EXCEED_LIMITATION. For error code descriptions and solutions, see Error Codes.
  • Optimizes the handling logic for expired user status data during reconnection.

Fixed issues

This release fixed the occasional crash issue when calling the getOnlineUsers method to retrieve paginated results.


v2.1.7 was released on January 22, 2024.

New features

  1. Stream Channel

    Experience seamless, delay-free data flow from one point to another. Stream channel solution refers to a real-time data pipeline that enables the uninterrupted flow of data from one point to another without delay or latency.

  2. Pub/Sub

    Embrace asynchronous messaging, enabling instant communication between publishers and subscribers without the need for immediate responses. The pub/sub model is a messaging pattern used in real-time messaging solutions where publishers send messages to channels, and subscribers receive messages from the channels they are subscribed to.

  3. Topic

    Effectively manage data streams with topics, enabling seamless communications between users. Topic serves as a data flow management mechanism in the stream channel. It enables users to subscribe to, distribute, and notify events of data streams. Topics allow users to register as message publishers, send messages, and receive messages from subscribed publishers in a channel.

  4. Storage

    Storage is important in signaling solutions to ensure reliable message delivery and prevent message loss or drop.

  5. Removing Event Listeners

    This release adds the removeEventListener method. You can use it to remove a specified event listener.

  6. Interval Mode

    This release supports the interval mode of presence function. When the number of online users in a channel exceeds the specified Announce Max value, the channel enters the interval mode. The SDK triggers the presence event notification at regular intervals and provides aggregated incremental information about user join, leave, timeout, and state changes in the interval property. For more details, see Interval Mode.

  7. Locks

    Implement locks to maintain the sequence of messages, ensuring your data is processed in a specific order, preventing any data conflicts. When a client accesses a resource, it can acquire a lock on that resource to prevent other clients from accessing it.
