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Join multiple channels

Agora Video SDK enables you to simultaneously join multiple channels. This capability allows you to receive and publish audio and video streams across multiple channels concurrently.

Understand the tech

Video SDK's multi-channel functionality is based on two key components:

  • RtcConnection

    The RtcConnection object identifies a connection. It contains the following information:

    • Channel name
    • User ID of the local user

    You create multiple RtcConnection objects, each with a different channel name and user ID. Each RtcConnection instance can independently publish multiple audio streams and a single video stream.

  • RtcEngineEx

    The class contains methods tailored for interacting with a designated RtcConnection object.

    To join multiple channels, you call joinChannelEx method in the RtcEngineEx class multiple times, using a different RtcConnection instance each time.

When joining multiple channels:

  • Ensure that the user ID for each RtcConnection object is unique and nonzero.
  • Configure publishing and subscribing options for the RtcConnection object in joinChannelEx.
  • Pass the IRtcEngineEventHandler object to the eventHandler parameter when calling the joinChannelEx method to receive multiple channel-related event notifications.


Ensure that you have implemented the SDK quickstart in your project.


This section explains how to join a second channel as a host after you have already joined the first channel.

  1. Declare variables for RtcEngineEx and RtcConnection objects.

    private RtcEngineEx engine;
    private RtcConnection rtcConnection2 = new RtcConnection();

  2. Initialize the engine instance.

    engine = (RtcEngineEx) RtcEngine.create(config);

  3. Join the channel using a random user ID.

    private boolean joinSecondChannel() {
    ChannelMediaOptions option = new ChannelMediaOptions();
    mediaOptions.autoSubscribeAudio = true;
    mediaOptions.autoSubscribeVideo = true;
    rtcConnection2.channelId = "channel-2";
    rtcConnection2.localUid = new Random().nextInt(512)+512;
    int ret = engine.joinChannelEx("your token", rtcConnection2, mediaOptions,
    return (ret == 0);

  4. Listen for events in rtcConnection2 and set up the remote video in the onUserJoined callback.

    private final IRtcEngineEventHandler iRtcEngineEventHandler2 = new IRtcEngineEventHandler() {
    public void onJoinChannelSuccess(String channel, int uid, int elapsed) {
    Log.i(TAG, String.format("channel2 onJoinChannelSuccess channel %s uid %d", channel2, uid));
    showLongToast(String.format("onJoinChannelSuccess channel %s uid %d", channel2, uid));
    public void onUserJoined(int uid, int elapsed) {
    Log.i(TAG, "channel2 onUserJoined->" + uid);
    showLongToast(String.format("user %d joined!", uid));
    Context context = getContext();
    if (context == null) {
    _32 ->
    // Display the remote video stream
    SurfaceView surfaceView = null;
    if (fl_remote2.getChildCount() > 0) {
    // Create the rendering view through RtcEngine
    surfaceView = new SurfaceView(context);
    // Add the view to the remote container
    fl_remote2.addView(surfaceView, new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT));
    // Set the remote view
    engine.setupRemoteVideoEx(new VideoCanvas(surfaceView, RENDER_MODE_FIT, uid), rtcConnection2);


This section contains content that completes the information on this page, or points you to documentation that explains other aspects to this product.

Sample project

Agora provides the JoinMultipleChannels open-source sample project for your reference. Download the project or view the source code for a more detailed example.

API reference

Interactive Live Streaming