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Quickstart guide

Integrating Agora's real-time audio communication capabilities with OpenAI's language models enables dynamic, conversational AI experiences. This guide shows you how to set up a Python project that combines Agora's server-side Voice SDK with OpenAI's API to create an interactive, voice-driven assistant.

Understand the tech

The RealtimeKitAgent class manages the integration by connecting to an Agora channel for real-time audio streaming and to OpenAI's API for processing audio input and generating AI-driven responses. Audio frames captured from the Agora channel are streamed to OpenAI's API, where the AI processes the input. The API responses, which include transcribed text and synthesized voice output, are then delivered back to the Agora channel.

The code sets up tools that can be executed locally or passed through the API, allowing the AI to perform specific tasks, such as retrieving data from external sources. The agent processes various message types from OpenAI, including audio responses, transcription updates, and error messages, and sends them to users through the Agora audio channel, facilitating continuous interaction.

The following figure illustrates the integration topology:


  • FFmpeg

    sudo apt install ffmpeg

  • PyAudio

    sudo apt install python3-pyaudio

Getting Started

This guide walks you through the core elements of the Agora Conversational AI Demo integrating Agora's Python SDK with OpenAI's Realtime API.

If you’d prefer to skip the step-by-step guide and explore the demo project, clone the repository and follow the steps in the README to get started:

git clone
cd openai-realtime-python

Set up the project

To follow the step-by-step procedure:

  1. Create a new folder for the project:

    mkdir realtime_agent
    cd realtime_agent/

  2. Create the base project structure:

    mkdir -p realtime && touch {,.env,,,,,,,requirements.txt,realtime/,realtime/}

    The project structure should look like this:

    ├── .env
    ├── requirements.txt
    └── realtime

  3. Add the following dependencies to the requirements.txt file:


  4. Open the .env file and fill in the values for the environment variables:

    # Agora RTC App ID and App Certificate
    # OpenAI API key and model
    # Port of api server

  5. Create a virtual environment and activate it:

    python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate

  6. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Overview of key files:

  • The main script responsible for executing the RealtimeKitAgent by integrating Agora's and OpenAI's capabilities.
  • Sets up an HTTP server that handles real-time agent processes.
  • Classes for registering and invoking tools.
  • Provides utilities that facilitate passing audio data between Agora and OpenAI.
  • Parses the command-line arguments used to customize the channel name and user ID when running script.
  • Helper functions for logging.
  • realtime/: Contains the classes and methods that interact with OpenAI's Realtime API.

The complete code for files in the realtime_agent folder is provided at the bottom of this page.


Before diving into the implementation details, it is essential to establish a solid foundation. Start by copying the base integration code provided below to the file. This framework includes the core structure and necessary imports for your agent. From here, we will proceed step by step to implement each function.

import asyncio
import base64
import logging
import os
from builtins import anext
from typing import Any
from agora.rtc.rtc_connection import RTCConnection, RTCConnInfo
from attr import dataclass
from agora_realtime_ai_api.rtc import Channel, ChatMessage, RtcEngine, RtcOptions
from logger import setup_logger
from realtime.struct import (
from realtime.connection import RealtimeApiConnection
from tools import ClientToolCallResponse, ToolContext
from utils import PCMWriter
# Set up the logger with color and timestamp support
logger = setup_logger(name=__name__, log_level=logging.INFO)
def _monitor_queue_size(queue: asyncio.Queue, queue_name: str, threshold: int = 5) -> None:
"""Alert the system or developer when the asynchronous queue grows too long."""
queue_size = queue.qsize()
if queue_size > threshold:
logger.warning(f"Queue {queue_name} size exceeded {threshold}: current size {queue_size}")
async def wait_for_remote_user(channel: Channel) -> int:
"""Wait for a remote user to join the channel.
- This function listens for a user to join the channel and returns the remote user's ID.
- Implements error handling with a timeout and logs issues if they arise.
@dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
class InferenceConfig:
"""Data class for inference configuration.
- Populate with the necessary parameters for the agent's inference.
- Configure turn detection, system message, and voice parameters.
system_message: str | None = None
turn_detection: ServerVADUpdateParams | None = None
voice: Voices | None = None
class RealtimeKitAgent:
engine: RtcEngine
channel: Channel
client: RealtimeApiConnection
audio_queue: asyncio.Queue[bytes] = asyncio.Queue()
message_queue: asyncio.Queue[ResponseAudioTranscriptDelta] = (
message_done_queue: asyncio.Queue[ResponseAudioTranscriptDone] = (
tools: ToolContext | None = None
_client_tool_futures: dict[str, asyncio.Future[ClientToolCallResponse]]
async def setup_and_run_agent(
engine: RtcEngine,
options: RtcOptions,
inference_config: InferenceConfig,
tools: ToolContext | None,
) -> None:
"""Set up and run the agent.
- Initialize the RTC engine, connect to the channel, and configure the inference setup.
- Implement the setup and teardown logic for the agent.
def __init__(
client: RealtimeApiConnection,
tools: ToolContext | None,
channel: Channel,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the agent with the provided tools and channel.
- This method sets up the initial state of the agent and its tool context.
async def run(self) -> None:
"""Run the agent's main loop, handling audio streams and messages.
- Implement the main loop to process audio input, handle messages, and manage user interactions.
async def rtc_to_model(self) -> None:
"""Stream input audio to the model.
- Capture audio from the Agora channel and send it to the AI model for processing.
async def model_to_rtc(self) -> None:
"""Stream audio from the queue to the audio output.
- Retrieve audio from the queue and send it to the Agora channel for playback.
async def _process_model_messages(self) -> None:
"""Process incoming messages from the model.
- Implement logic to handle and respond to different message types from the model.


The RealtimeKitAgent class integrates Agora's real-time audio communication with OpenAI’s AI services. It handles streaming, communication with the OpenAI API, and AI responses, creating a seamless conversational experience.

Connect to Agora and OpenAI

The setup_and_run_agent method connects to an Agora channel using RtcEngine, and sets up a session with OpenAI’s Realtime API. It configures the session parameters, such as system messages and voice settings, and uses asynchronous tasks to concurrently listen for the session to start and update the conversation configuration. In the base file, replace the placeholder with the following implementation.

async def setup_and_run_agent(
engine: RtcEngine,
options: RtcOptions,
inference_config: InferenceConfig,
tools: ToolContext | None,
) -> None:
channel = engine.create_channel(options)
await channel.connect()
async with RealtimeApiConnection(
) as connection:
await connection.send_request(
# MARK: check this
tools=tools.model_description() if tools else [],
model=os.environ.get("OPENAI_MODEL", "gpt-4o-realtime-preview"),
modalities=["text", "audio"],
start_session_message = await anext(connection.listen())
# assert isinstance(start_session_message, messages.StartSession)
f"Session started: {} model: {start_session_message.session.model}"
agent = cls(
await channel.disconnect()
await connection.close()

Initialize the RealtimeKitAgent

The constructor for RealtimeKitAgent sets up the OpenAI client, optional tools, and Agora channel to manage real-time audio communication. In, add the following code after the setup_and_run_agent method:

def __init__(
connection: RealtimeApiConnection,
tools: ToolContext | None,
channel: Channel,
) -> None:
self.connection = connection
_14 = tools
self._client_tool_futures = {}
_14 = channel
self.subscribe_user = None
self.write_pcm = os.environ.get("WRITE_AGENT_PCM", "false") == "true"
_14"Write PCM: {self.write_pcm}")

Launch the Agent

The run method is the core of the RealtimeKitAgent. It manages the agent’s operations by handling audio streams, subscribing to remote users, and processing both incoming and outgoing messages. This method also ensures proper exception handling and graceful shutdown. Following are the key functions of this method:

  • Waiting for remote users: The agent waits for a remote user to join the Agora channel and subscribes to their audio stream.
  • Task management: The agent initiates tasks for audio input, audio output, and processing messages from OpenAI, ensuring that they run concurrently.
  • Connection state handling: It monitors changes in connection state and handles user disconnections, ensuring the agent shuts down gracefully.

In, replace the run placeholder with the following:

async def run(self) -> None:
def log_exception(t: asyncio.Task[Any]) -> None:
if not t.cancelled() and t.exception():
"unhandled exception",
_50"Waiting for remote user to join")
self.subscribe_user = await wait_for_remote_user(
_50"Subscribing to user {self.subscribe_user}")
async def on_user_left(
agora_rtc_conn: RTCConnection, user_id: int, reason: int
_50"User left: {user_id}")
if self.subscribe_user == user_id:
self.subscribe_user = None
_50"Subscribed user left, disconnecting")
_50"user_left", on_user_left)
disconnected_future = asyncio.Future[None]()
def callback(agora_rtc_conn: RTCConnection, conn_info: RTCConnInfo, reason):
_50"Connection state changed: {conn_info.state}")
if conn_info.state == 1:
if not disconnected_future.done():
_50"connection_state_changed", callback)
await disconnected_future
_50"Agent finished running")
except asyncio.CancelledError:
_50"Agent cancelled")
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error running agent: {e}")

Communicate with the AI model

The RealtimeKitAgent is responsible for managing real-time audio communication between Agora and OpenAI’s AI model. It implements this through two core streaming methods:

  • rtc_to_model: Captures audio frames from the Agora channel and streams them to OpenAI’s model for processing.
  • model_to_rtc: Handles the output by pushing audio responses from OpenAI’s model back to the Agora channel for playback.

Additionally, the agent must process messages received from the OpenAI model. This is handled by the _process_model_messages method.

Stream input audio to the AI model

The rtc_to_model method captures audio frames from the Agora channel and streams them to OpenAI’s model for processing. This method runs continuously, retrieving audio frames from the subscribed user and forwarding them through the OpenAI API.

The code implements the following key features:

  • Subscription check: Ensures that a remote user is subscribed before capturing any audio frames.
  • Audio frame processing: Sends each audio frame from the Agora channel to OpenAI’s model.
  • Error handling: Logs any errors that occur during the audio streaming process.

Replace the rtc_to_model placeholder in with the following implementation:

async def rtc_to_model(self) -> None:
if self.subscribe_user is None:
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
audio_frames =
# Initialize PCMWriter for receiving audio
pcm_writer = PCMWriter(prefix="rtc_to_model", write_pcm=self.write_pcm)
async for audio_frame in audio_frames:
# Process received audio (send to model)
_monitor_queue_size(self.audio_queue, "audio_queue")
await self.connection.send_audio_data(
# Write PCM data if enabled
await pcm_writer.write(
await asyncio.sleep(0) # Yield control to allow other tasks to run
except asyncio.CancelledError:
# Write any remaining PCM data before exiting
await pcm_writer.flush()
raise # Re-raise the exception to propagate cancellation

Stream audio queue to audio output

The model_to_rtc method streams audio generated by OpenAI’s model back to the Agora channel. It retrieves audio data from an internal queue and pushes it to Agora for real-time playback.

The code implements the following key features:

  • Audio queue management: Retrieves audio data from an asynchronous queue filled with responses from OpenAI’s model.
  • Efficient task management: After processing each audio frame, the method yields control to ensure other tasks can run concurrently.
  • Real-time playback: Audio data is pushed to the Agora channel for immediate playback to the user.

Replace the model_to_rtc placeholder in with the following implementation:

async def model_to_rtc(self) -> None:
# Initialize PCMWriter for sending audio
pcm_writer = PCMWriter(prefix="model_to_rtc", write_pcm=self.write_pcm)
while True:
# Get audio frame from the model output
frame = await self.audio_queue.get()
# Process sending audio (to RTC)
# Write PCM data if enabled
await pcm_writer.write(frame)
except asyncio.CancelledError:
# Write any remaining PCM data before exiting
await pcm_writer.flush()
raise # Re-raise the cancelled exception to properly exit the task

Process model messages

In addition to handling audio streaming, the agent must process messages received from the OpenAI model. Message processing in RealtimeKitAgent is central to how the agent interacts with OpenAI’s model and the Agora channel. Messages received from the model can include audio data, text transcripts, or other responses, and the agent needs to process these accordingly to ensure smooth real-time communication.

The _process_model_messages method listens for incoming messages and handles them according to their type, ensuring the appropriate action is taken, such as playing back audio, sending text transcripts, or invoking tools.

async def _process_model_messages(self) -> None:
# Continuously listen for incoming messages from OpenAI
async for message in self.client.listen():
match message:
# Handle different message types

Key features implemented by _process_model_messages:

  • Listening for messages: The agent continuously listens for incoming messages from OpenAI’s model.
  • Handling audio data: If the message contains audio data, it is placed in a queue for playback to the Agora channel.
  • Handling transcripts: If the message contains partial or final text transcripts, they are processed and sent to the Agora chat.
  • Handling other responses: Additional message types, such as tool invocations and other outputs are processed as needed.

Audio and message flow

The first case in _process_model_messages method is InputAudioBufferSpeechStarted. When this event is triggered, the system clears the sender’s audio buffer on the Agora channel and empties the local audio queue to ensure no prior audio interferes with the new input. It also logs the event for tracking purposes, allowing the agent to effectively manage and process incoming audio streams.

case InputAudioBufferSpeechStarted():
# Clear the audio queue so audio stops playing
while not self.audio_queue.empty():
_6"TMS:InputAudioBufferSpeechStarted: item_id: {message.item_id}")

Response Messages

The _process_model_messages method is also responsible for handling both audio and text responses in real time. It processes various message types by managing audio data and sending text messages to the Agora chat channel.

When an audio delta message is received, the system decodes the audio and adds it to the local audio queue for playback, while also logging the event for reference. For transcript updates, the agent sends the corresponding text message to the chat asynchronously, ensuring that message handling does not block other processes. Finally, when the transcript is complete, the system logs the event and sends the final message to the Agora chat.

case ResponseAudioDelta():
#"Received audio message")
# loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self.audio_queue.put_nowait, base64.b64decode(
_21"TMS:ResponseAudioDelta: response_id:{message.response_id},item_id: {message.item_id}")
case ResponseAudioTranscriptDelta():
#"Received text message {message=}")
message=to_json(message), msg_id=message.item_id
case ResponseAudioTranscriptDone():
_21"Text message done: {message=}")
message=to_json(message), msg_id=message.item_id

Handling message responses

Following is the full implementation of _process_model_messages that incorporates code snippets from previous sections. In the full implementation, audio input events are handled by clearing audio buffers and queues when speech starts or stops. Audio deltas are decoded and placed into the local queue, while transcript messages are sent asynchronously to the Agora chat.

The agent can be extended to support a variety of other message types, including tool calls, errors, and other outputs from OpenAI’s model. If the agent encounters an unhandled message type, it logs a warning to notify developers for further investigation.

async def _process_model_messages(self) -> None:
async for message in self.connection.listen():
#"Received message {message=}")
match message:
case InputAudioBufferSpeechStarted():
# clear the audio queue so audio stops playing
while not self.audio_queue.empty():
_69"TMS:InputAudioBufferSpeechStarted: item_id: {message.item_id}")
case InputAudioBufferSpeechStopped():
_69"TMS:InputAudioBufferSpeechStopped: item_id: {message.item_id}")
case ResponseAudioDelta():
#"Received audio message")
# loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self.audio_queue.put_nowait, base64.b64decode(
_69"TMS:ResponseAudioDelta: response_id:{message.response_id},item_id: {message.item_id}")
case ResponseAudioTranscriptDelta():
#"Received text message {message=}")
message=to_json(message), msg_id=message.item_id
case ResponseAudioTranscriptDone():
_69"Text message done: {message=}")
message=to_json(message), msg_id=message.item_id
# InputAudioBufferCommitted
case InputAudioBufferCommitted():
case ItemCreated():
# ResponseCreated
case ResponseCreated():
# ResponseDone
case ResponseDone():
# ResponseOutputItemAdded
case ResponseOutputItemAdded():
# ResponseContenPartAdded
case ResponseContentPartAdded():
# ResponseAudioDone
case ResponseAudioDone():
# ResponseContentPartDone
case ResponseContentPartDone():
# ResponseOutputItemDone
case ResponseOutputItemDone():
case SessionUpdated():
case RateLimitsUpdated():
case _:
logger.warning(f"Unhandled message {message=}")

Using these components, the agent handles audio, transcripts, and other messages in real-time, ensuring that it responds appropriately to OpenAI model’s output and maintains seamless communication with the Agora channel.

Wait for a remote user

The wait_for_remote_user function is a key component of the agent's functionality. It listens for an event where a remote user joins the Agora channel. This function will block until a user joins or until it times out.

The method implements the following:

  • Event listener: The function listens for the user_joined event from the Agora SDK. When a user joins the channel, it captures the user ID and signals that a user has joined using remote_user_joined.set().
  • Timeout handling: If no user joins within the specified timeout, a TimeoutError is raised and logged as an error.
  • Cleanup: After successfully getting a user ID or timing out, the event listener is removed using"user_joined", on_user_joined).

In, replace the wait_for_remote_user placeholder code with:

async def wait_for_remote_user(channel: Channel) -> int:
remote_users = list(channel.remote_users.keys())
if len(remote_users) > 0:
return remote_users[0]
future = asyncio.Future[int]()
channel.once("user_joined", lambda conn, user_id: future.set_result(user_id))
# Wait for the remote user with a timeout of 30 seconds
remote_user = await asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout=30.0)
return remote_user
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error waiting for remote user: {e}")


In the file, we initialize a PCMWriter instance, which is responsible for writing audio frames to a file that is sent to the AI for processing. The PCMWriter class, along with its methods, is defined in the file.

import asyncio
import functools
from datetime import datetime
def write_pcm_to_file(buffer: bytearray, file_name: str) -> None:
"""Helper function to write PCM data to a file."""
with open(file_name, "ab") as f: # append to file
def generate_file_name(prefix: str) -> str:
# Create a timestamp for the file name
timestamp ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
return f"{prefix}_{timestamp}.pcm"
class PCMWriter:
def __init__(self, prefix: str, write_pcm: bool, buffer_size: int = 1024 * 64):
self.write_pcm = write_pcm
self.buffer = bytearray()
self.buffer_size = buffer_size
self.file_name = generate_file_name(prefix) if write_pcm else None
self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
async def write(self, data: bytes) -> None:
"""Accumulate data into the buffer and write to file when necessary."""
if not self.write_pcm:
# Write to file if buffer is full
if len(self.buffer) >= self.buffer_size:
await self._flush()
async def flush(self) -> None:
"""Write any remaining data in the buffer to the file."""
if self.write_pcm and self.buffer:
await self._flush()
async def _flush(self) -> None:
"""Helper method to write the buffer to the file."""
if self.file_name:
await self.loop.run_in_executor(
functools.partial(write_pcm_to_file, self.buffer[:], self.file_name),

OpenAI Connection

The file manages the real-time communication between the agent and OpenAI’s API. It handles the connection setup, sending and receiving messages, and managing audio data streaming. The RealtimeApiConnection class encapsulates all the connection logic, making it easier to integrate real-time AI responses.

Open realtime/ and add the imports and the smart_str function, used to parse JSON data, truncate fields (like delta or audio) to a maximum length for logging purposes, and then re-serialize the modified data.

import asyncio
import base64
import json
import logging
import os
import aiohttp
from typing import Any, AsyncGenerator
from .struct import InputAudioBufferAppend, ClientToServerMessage, ServerToClientMessage, parse_server_message, to_json
from logger import setup_logger
logger = setup_logger(name=__name__, log_level=logging.INFO)
def smart_str(s: str, max_field_len: int = 128) -> str:
"""parse string as json, truncate data field to 128 characters, reserialize"""
data = json.loads(s)
if "delta" in data:
key = "delta"
elif "audio" in data:
key = "audio"
return s
if len(data[key]) > max_field_len:
data[key] = data[key][:max_field_len] + "..."
return json.dumps(data)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
return s

RealtimeApiConnection class

The RealtimeApiConnection class manages the real-time API connection. During initialization the OpenAI key, API URL (includes model), and authentication token are passed to the client and the WebSocket session is initialized. The connect method establishes a WebSocket connection to the specified URL using authentication headers. The close method ensures that the WebSocket connection is closed gracefully, preventing resource leaks. This connection lifecycle management is crucial for handling long-running WebSocket sessions in real-time applications.

class RealtimeApiConnection:
def __init__(
base_uri: str,
api_key: str | None = None,
path: str = "/v1/realtime",
verbose: bool = False,
model: str = "gpt-4o-realtime-preview", #DEFAULT_MODEL
self.url = f"{base_uri}{path}"
if "model=" not in self.url:
self.url += f"?model={model}"
self.api_key = api_key or os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY")
self.websocket: aiohttp.ClientWebSocketResponse | None = None
self.verbose = verbose
self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession()
# Establish connection
async def connect(self):
auth = aiohttp.BasicAuth("", self.api_key) if self.api_key else None
headers = {"OpenAI-Beta": "realtime=v1"}
self.websocket = await self.session.ws_connect(
# Close Connection
async def close(self):
# Close the websocket connection if it exists
if self.websocket:
await self.websocket.close()
self.websocket = None

Context manager for connection lifecycle

These methods allow the RealtimeApiConnection class to be used as an asynchronous context manager, ensuring that the connection is opened when entering the context and properly closed when exiting. This pattern simplifies resource management, especially for long-lived connections in asynchronous workflows.

async def __aenter__(self) -> "RealtimeApiConnection":
await self.connect()
return self
async def __aexit__(self, exc_type: Any, exc_value: Any, traceback: Any) -> bool:
await self.close()
return False

Sending audio data and messages

The send_audio_data method sends audio data (encoded in base64) over the WebSocket. It packages the audio data into a ClientToServerMessage and calls send_request to transmit it. The send_request method logs the outgoing message (if verbose logging is enabled) and sends it through the WebSocket connection.

async def send_audio_data(self, audio_data: bytes):
base64_audio_data = base64.b64encode(audio_data).decode("utf-8")
message = InputAudioBufferAppend(audio=base64_audio_data)
await self.send_request(message)
async def send_request(self, message: ClientToServerMessage):
assert self.websocket is not None
message_str = to_json(message)
if self.verbose:
_11"-> {smart_str(message_str)}")
await self.websocket.send_str(message_str)

Listening for incoming messages

The listen method listens for incoming messages from the WebSocket. It uses an asynchronous generator to handle incoming messages in a non-blocking way. Depending on the message type (text or error), it processes the message and passes it to handle_server_message. If verbose logging is enabled, incoming messages are logged to facilitate debugging.

async def listen(self) -> AsyncGenerator[ServerToClientMessage, None]:
assert self.websocket is not None
if self.verbose:
_15"Listening for realtime api messages")
async for msg in self.websocket:
if msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT:
if self.verbose:
_15"<- {smart_str(}")
yield self.handle_server_message(
elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR:
logger.error("Error during receive: %s", self.websocket.exception())
except asyncio.CancelledError:
_15"Receive messages task cancelled")

Handling server messages

The handle_server_message method parses the server’s message and handles any exceptions that occur during parsing. This method ensures that malformed messages are logged as errors, helping to track down issues with the server response format.

def handle_server_message(self, message: str) -> ServerToClientMessage:
return parse_server_message(message)
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Error handling message: " + str(e))
raise e

The connection class and agent utilize various classes and structures defined in realtime/ While the specifics of this file are beyond the scope of this guide, the complete code is provided below for use and reference.

Tool Management

Every agent needs a tool management system to extend the agent's functionality by allowing OpenAI’s model to invoke specific tools. These tools can either run locally or pass data back to the model for further processing. By registering tools and executing them based on incoming messages, the agent adds the capability and flexibility to handle a variety of tasks.

Tool management implements the following key features:

  • Tool registration: Register both local function tools and pass-through tools, making them available for execution.
  • Tool execution: Execute tools in response to requests from the OpenAI model, running them locally or passing data back to the model.
  • Tool context: The ToolContext class manages the tools, providing methods to register and execute them as needed.

Open the file and add the following code to import the required packages.

import abc
import json
import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, assert_never
from attr import dataclass
from pydantic import BaseModel
from logger import setup_logger
# Set up the logger with color and timestamp support
logger = setup_logger(name=__name__, log_level=logging.INFO)

Define Local and Passthrough tools

When setting up tools, define if the tool is executed directly by the agent on the local context, or if it sends data back to OpenAI’s model.

  • Local function tools: Executed directly by the agent on the local context.
  • Pass-through tools: Send data back to OpenAI’s model without it being executed locally.

@dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
class LocalFunctionToolDeclaration:
"""Declaration of a tool that can be called by the model, and runs a function locally on the tool context."""
name: str
description: str
parameters: dict[str, Any]
function: Callable[..., Any]
def model_description(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
return {
"type": "function",
"function": {
"description": self.description,
"parameters": self.parameters,
@dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
class PassThroughFunctionToolDeclaration:
"""Declaration of a tool that can be called by the model."""
name: str
description: str
parameters: dict[str, Any]
def model_description(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
return {
"type": "function",
"function": {
"description": self.description,
"parameters": self.parameters,
ToolDeclaration = LocalFunctionToolDeclaration | PassThroughFunctionToolDeclaration

The ToolContext class manages all available tools. It provides the logic for both registering tools and executing them when requested by the OpenAI model. Once tools are registered, the agent can execute them in response to messages from OpenAI’s model. The agent listens for tool call requests and either executes the tool locally or passes data back to the model.

In the ToolContext class, the execute_tool method retrieves the tool by name and runs it with the provided arguments. If it is a local function tool, the agent executes the function and returns the result. If it is a pass-through tool, it simply returns the decoded arguments to the model for further processing.

@dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
class LocalToolCallExecuted:
json_encoded_output: str
@dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
class ShouldPassThroughToolCall:
decoded_function_args: dict[str, Any]
ExecuteToolCallResult = LocalToolCallExecuted | ShouldPassThroughToolCall

Tool registration and invocation

Registering tools during the setup process makes them available for the model to call.

class ToolContext(abc.ABC):
_tool_declarations: dict[str, ToolDeclaration]
def __init__(self) -> None:
# TODO should be an ordered dict
self._tool_declarations = {}
def register_function(
name: str,
description: str = "",
parameters: dict[str, Any],
fn: Callable[..., Any],
) -> None:
self._tool_declarations[name] = LocalFunctionToolDeclaration(
name=name, description=description, parameters=parameters, function=fn
def register_client_function(
name: str,
description: str = "",
parameters: dict[str, Any],
) -> None:
self._tool_declarations[name] = PassThroughFunctionToolDeclaration(
name=name, description=description, parameters=parameters
async def execute_tool(
self, tool_name: str, encoded_function_args: str
) -> ExecuteToolCallResult | None:
tool = self._tool_declarations.get(tool_name)
if not tool:
return None
args = json.loads(encoded_function_args)
assert isinstance(args, dict)
if isinstance(tool, LocalFunctionToolDeclaration):
_53"Executing tool {tool_name} with args {args}")
result = await tool.function(**args)
_53"Tool {tool_name} executed with result {result}")
return LocalToolCallExecuted(json_encoded_output=json.dumps(result))
if isinstance(tool, PassThroughFunctionToolDeclaration):
return ShouldPassThroughToolCall(decoded_function_args=args)
def model_description(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
return [v.model_description() for v in self._tool_declarations.values()]

Tool invocation in message processing

It is important to highlight how tools are invoked. During message processing, certain messages may trigger tool invocations, prompting the agent to execute the relevant tool.

The following flow illustrates how this works:

  1. The OpenAI model sends a message that includes a tool call.
  2. The _process_model_messages method identifies the tool call request.
  3. The agent retrieves the relevant tool from the ToolContext and executes it, either locally or by passing data back to the model.

This integration between message processing and tool management ensures that the agent can extend its capabilities dynamically, performing tasks or calculations in real-time based on incoming requests.

The ClientToolCallResponse model represents the response after a tool is invoked and processed. This class is designed to represent the response of a client-side tool call, where the tool_call_id uniquely identifies the tool call, and the result can take on multiple data types, representing the output of that call. The flexibility in the result field allows for a wide variety of responses.

class ClientToolCallResponse(BaseModel):
tool_call_id: str
result: dict[str, Any] | str | float | int | bool | None = None

With these pieces in place, the agent can effectively manage tool registration and execution, ensuring that it can handle a variety of tasks as directed by the OpenAI model. This structure allows the agent to either execute functions locally or pass them to the model for further handling.

Set up a server

The script orchestrates the initialization of an HTTP server that allows clients to start and stop AI-driven agents in Agora voice channels. It includes routes for starting and stopping agents, manages processes for different channels, and handles cleanup and shutdown procedures. The agents run as separate processes, ensuring they can handle real-time interactions without blocking the main server. The application leverages aiohttp for handling HTTP requests, multiprocessing to manage agent processes, and asyncio for non-blocking execution.

Open and add the following code to set up the imports and load the .env variables.

import asyncio
import logging
import os
import signal
from multiprocessing import Process
from aiohttp import web
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, ValidationError
from realtime.struct import PCM_CHANNELS, PCM_SAMPLE_RATE, ServerVADUpdateParams, Voices
from agent import InferenceConfig, RealtimeKitAgent
from agora_realtime_ai_api.rtc import RtcEngine, RtcOptions
from logger import setup_logger
from parse_args import parse_args, parse_args_realtimekit
# Set up the logger
logger = setup_logger(name=__name__, log_level=logging.INFO)
# Load and validate the environment variables
app_id = os.environ.get("AGORA_APP_ID")
app_cert = os.environ.get("AGORA_APP_CERT")
if not app_id:
raise ValueError("AGORA_APP_ID must be set in the environment.")
class StartAgentRequestBody(BaseModel):
channel_name: str = Field(..., description="The name of the channel")
uid: int = Field(..., description="The UID of the user")
language: str = Field("en", description="The language of the agent")
class StopAgentRequestBody(BaseModel):
channel_name: str = Field(..., description="The name of the channel")

Process management and signal handling

The monitor_process function asynchronously monitors each agent process, ensuring that once it finishes, the process is cleaned up. handle_agent_proc_signal ensures that any agent receiving a termination signal exits gracefully. This process management ensures that the application can run multiple agents concurrently while maintaining proper resource management.

async def monitor_process(channel_name: str, process: Process):
# Wait for the process to finish in a non-blocking way
await asyncio.to_thread(process.join)
_19"Process for channel {channel_name} has finished")
# Perform additional work after the process finishes
# For example, removing the process from the active_processes dictionary
if channel_name in active_processes:
# Perform any other cleanup or additional actions you need here
_19"Cleanup for channel {channel_name} completed")
_19"Remaining active processes: {len(active_processes.keys())}")
def handle_agent_proc_signal(signum, frame):
_19"Agent process received signal {signal.strsignal(signum)}. Exiting...")

Run the agent

The run_agent_in_process method starts a RealtimeKitAgent in a new process, handling Agora RTC initialization with the necessary credentials and agent configuration.

def run_agent_in_process(
engine_app_id: str,
engine_app_cert: str,
channel_name: str,
uid: int,
inference_config: InferenceConfig,
): # Set up signal forwarding in the child process
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_agent_proc_signal) # Forward SIGINT
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handle_agent_proc_signal) # Forward SIGTERM
engine=RtcEngine(appid=engine_app_id, appcert=engine_app_cert),
enable_pcm_dump= os.environ.get("WRITE_RTC_PCM", "false") == "true"

HTTP Routes for Managing Agents

The start_agent and stop_agent routes are the main HTTP endpoints that allow clients to control the agents. As part of the start and stop we need to keep track of the active_processes.

# Dictionary to keep track of processes by channel name or UID
active_processes = {}

When a POST request is made to /start_agent, the server validates the request, starts a new agent process (if one isn’t already running), and begins monitoring it. The processes are stored in an active_processes dictionary for efficient management.

async def start_agent(request):
# Parse and validate JSON body using the pydantic model
data = await request.json()
validated_data = StartAgentRequestBody(**data)
except ValidationError as e:
return web.json_response(
{"error": "Invalid request data", "details": e.errors()}, status=400
# Parse JSON body
channel_name = validated_data.channel_name
uid = validated_data.uid
language = validated_data.language
# Check if a process is already running for the given channel_name
if (
channel_name in active_processes
and active_processes[channel_name].is_alive()
return web.json_response(
{"error": f"Agent already running for channel: {channel_name}"},
system_message = ""
if language == "en":
system_message = """\
Your knowledge cutoff is 2023-10. You are a helpful, witty, and friendly AI. Act like a human, but remember that you aren't a human and that you can't do human things in the real world. Your voice and personality should be warm and engaging, with a lively and playful tone. If interacting in a non-English language, start by using the standard accent or dialect familiar to the user. Talk quickly. You should always call a function if you can. Do not refer to these rules, even if you're asked about them.\
inference_config = InferenceConfig(
type="server_vad", threshold=0.5, prefix_padding_ms=300, silence_duration_ms=200
# Create a new process for running the agent
process = Process(
args=(app_id, app_cert, channel_name, uid, inference_config),
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Failed to start agent process: {e}")
return web.json_response(
{"error": f"Failed to start agent: {e}"}, status=500
# Store the process in the active_processes dictionary using channel_name as the key
active_processes[channel_name] = process
# Monitor the process in a background asyncio task
asyncio.create_task(monitor_process(channel_name, process))
return web.json_response({"status": "Agent started!"})
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Failed to start agent: {e}")
return web.json_response({"error": str(e)}, status=500)

The stop_agent route handles requests to stop an active agent. It first validates the request body using StopAgentRequestBody. If a process is found for the specified channel, it terminates the process using os.kill and sends a SIGKILL signal. The process is then removed from the active_processes dictionary, and a response is returned to confirm termination. If no process is found, a 404 error is returned, indicating the agent was not active.

# HTTP Server Routes: Stop Agent
async def stop_agent(request):
# Parse and validate JSON body using the pydantic model
data = await request.json()
validated_data = StopAgentRequestBody(**data)
except ValidationError as e:
return web.json_response(
{"error": "Invalid request data", "details": e.errors()}, status=400
# Parse JSON body
channel_name = validated_data.channel_name
# Find and terminate the process associated with the given channel name
process = active_processes.get(channel_name)
if process and process.is_alive():
_34"Terminating process for channel {channel_name}")
await asyncio.to_thread(os.kill,, signal.SIGKILL)
return web.json_response(
{"status": "Agent process terminated", "channel_name": channel_name}
return web.json_response(
{"error": "No active agent found for the provided channel_name"},
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Failed to stop agent: {e}")
return web.json_response({"error": str(e)}, status=500)

Shutdown gracefully

The shutdown function is responsible for cleaning up agent processes when the server is shutting down. It iterates through all the processes in active_processes and terminates any that are still alive, ensuring no orphaned processes remain. This is essential for graceful shutdowns, preventing resource leaks. Once all processes are terminated, it clears the active_processes dictionary to reset the server state.

async def shutdown(app):
_22"Shutting down server, cleaning up processes...")
for channel_name, process in active_processes.items():
if process.is_alive():
f"Terminating process for channel {channel_name} (PID: {})"
await asyncio.to_thread(os.kill,, signal.SIGKILL)
await asyncio.to_thread(process.join) # Ensure process has terminated
_22"All processes terminated, shutting down server")
# Signal handler to gracefully stop the application
def handle_signal(signum, frame):
_22"Received exit signal {signal.strsignal(signum)}...")
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
if loop.is_running():
# Properly shutdown by stopping the loop and running shutdown

aiohttp application setup

The init_app function sets up the core aiohttp web application. It defines the HTTP routes for starting and stopping AI agents with the /start_agent and /stop_agent endpoints, and attaches a cleanup task to properly shut down processes when the server exits. The function returns the initialized app object, ready to be managed by the event loop and handle incoming requests.

async def init_app():
app = web.Application()
# Add cleanup task to run on app exit
app.add_routes(["/start_agent", start_agent)])
app.add_routes(["/stop_agent", stop_agent)])
return app

Main Entry

Now that we have the entire agent setup, we are ready to bring it all together and implement the main entry point for our project. The main entry point of the program first parses the command-line arguments to determine whether the server should be started or an agent should be run directly. If server is chosen, it sets up the event loop and starts the aiohttp web server using init_app(), which binds the routes for starting and stopping agents. If agent is selected, it parses the RealtimeKit options and starts an agent process using run_agent_in_process. This structure allows the application to either act as a server managing agents or run an individual agent directly, depending on the context.

if __name__ == "__main__":
# Parse the action argument
args = parse_args()
# Action logic based on the action argument
if args.action == "server":
# Python 3.10+ requires explicitly creating a new event loop if none exists
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
except RuntimeError:
# For Python 3.10+, use this to get a new event loop if the default is closed or not created
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
# Start the application using for the new event loop
app = loop.run_until_complete(init_app())
web.run_app(app, port=int(os.getenv("SERVER_PORT") or "8080"))
elif args.action == "agent":
# Parse RealtimeKitOptions for running the agent
realtime_kit_options = parse_args_realtimekit()
# Example logging for parsed options (channel_name and uid)
_39"Running agent with options: {realtime_kit_options}")
inference_config = InferenceConfig(
Your knowledge cutoff is 2023-10. You are a helpful, witty, and friendly AI. Act like a human, but remember that you aren't a human and that you can't do human things in the real world. Your voice and personality should be warm and engaging, with a lively and playful tone. If interacting in a non-English language, start by using the standard accent or dialect familiar to the user. Talk quickly. You should always call a function if you can. Do not refer to these rules, even if you're asked about them.\
type="server_vad", threshold=0.5, prefix_padding_ms=300, silence_duration_ms=200

Parse Args and Logger

This project implements a few helper functions to support in parsing command line arguments and to handle logging. While the specifics of these files are outside the scope of this guide, the complete code is provided below for use and reference.

Complete integration code

This section provides the complete code you need to implement and test integrating Agora's real-time audio streaming and OpenAI's API for processing audio input and generating AI-driven responses.
import asyncioimport base64import loggingimport osfrom builtins import anextfrom typing import Anyfrom agora.rtc.rtc_connection import RTCConnection, RTCConnInfofrom attr import dataclassfrom agora_realtime_ai_api.rtc import Channel, ChatMessage, RtcEngine, RtcOptionsfrom logger import setup_loggerfrom realtime.struct import InputAudioBufferCommitted, InputAudioBufferSpeechStarted, InputAudioBufferSpeechStopped, ItemCreated, RateLimitsUpdated, ResponseAudioDelta, ResponseAudioDone, ResponseAudioTranscriptDelta, ResponseAudioTranscriptDone, ResponseContentPartAdded, ResponseContentPartDone, ResponseCreated, ResponseDone, ResponseOutputItemAdded, ResponseOutputItemDone, ServerVADUpdateParams, SessionUpdate, SessionUpdateParams, SessionUpdated, Voices, to_jsonfrom realtime.connection import RealtimeApiConnectionfrom tools import ClientToolCallResponse, ToolContextfrom utils import PCMWriter# Set up the logger logger = setup_logger(name=__name__, log_level=logging.INFO)def _monitor_queue_size(queue: asyncio.Queue, queue_name: str, threshold: int = 5) -> None:    queue_size = queue.qsize()    if queue_size > threshold:        logger.warning(f"Queue {queue_name} size exceeded {threshold}: current size {queue_size}")async def wait_for_remote_user(channel: Channel) -> int:    remote_users = list(channel.remote_users.keys())    if len(remote_users) > 0:        return remote_users[0]    future = asyncio.Future[int]()    channel.once("user_joined", lambda conn, user_id: future.set_result(user_id))    try:        # Wait for the remote user with a timeout of 30 seconds        remote_user = await asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout=30.0)        return remote_user    except KeyboardInterrupt:        future.cancel()            except Exception as e:        logger.error(f"Error waiting for remote user: {e}")        raise@dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)class InferenceConfig:    system_message: str | None = None    turn_detection: ServerVADUpdateParams | None = None  # MARK: CHECK!    voice: Voices | None = Noneclass RealtimeKitAgent:    engine: RtcEngine    channel: Channel    connection: RealtimeApiConnection    audio_queue: asyncio.Queue[bytes] = asyncio.Queue()    message_queue: asyncio.Queue[ResponseAudioTranscriptDelta] = (        asyncio.Queue()    )    message_done_queue: asyncio.Queue[ResponseAudioTranscriptDone] = (        asyncio.Queue()    )    tools: ToolContext | None = None    _client_tool_futures: dict[str, asyncio.Future[ClientToolCallResponse]]    @classmethod    async def setup_and_run_agent(        cls,        *,        engine: RtcEngine,        options: RtcOptions,        inference_config: InferenceConfig,        tools: ToolContext | None,    ) -> None:        channel = engine.create_channel(options)        await channel.connect()        try:            async with RealtimeApiConnection(                base_uri=os.getenv("REALTIME_API_BASE_URI", "wss://"),                api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),                verbose=False,            ) as connection:                await connection.send_request(                    SessionUpdate(                        session=SessionUpdateParams(                            # MARK: check this                            turn_detection=inference_config.turn_detection,                            tools=tools.model_description() if tools else [],                            tool_choice="auto",                            input_audio_format="pcm16",                            output_audio_format="pcm16",                            instructions=inference_config.system_message,                            voice=inference_config.voice,                            model=os.environ.get("OPENAI_MODEL", "gpt-4o-realtime-preview"),                            modalities=["text", "audio"],                            temperature=0.8,                            max_response_output_tokens="inf",                        )                    )                )                start_session_message = await anext(connection.listen())                # assert isinstance(start_session_message, messages.StartSession)                          f"Session started: {} model: {start_session_message.session.model}"                )                agent = cls(                    connection=connection,                    tools=tools,                    channel=channel,                )                await        finally:            await channel.disconnect()            await connection.close()    def __init__(        self,        *,        connection: RealtimeApiConnection,        tools: ToolContext | None,        channel: Channel,    ) -> None:        self.connection = connection = tools        self._client_tool_futures = {} = channel        self.subscribe_user = None        self.write_pcm = os.environ.get("WRITE_AGENT_PCM", "false") == "true""Write PCM: {self.write_pcm}")    async def run(self) -> None:        try:            def log_exception(t: asyncio.Task[Any]) -> None:                if not t.cancelled() and t.exception():                    logger.error(                        "unhandled exception",                        exc_info=t.exception(),                    )  "Waiting for remote user to join")            self.subscribe_user = await wait_for_remote_user(  "Subscribing to user {self.subscribe_user}")            await            async def on_user_left(                agora_rtc_conn: RTCConnection, user_id: int, reason: int            ):      "User left: {user_id}")                if self.subscribe_user == user_id:                    self.subscribe_user = None          "Subscribed user left, disconnecting")                    await  "user_left", on_user_left)            disconnected_future = asyncio.Future[None]()            def callback(agora_rtc_conn: RTCConnection, conn_info: RTCConnInfo, reason):      "Connection state changed: {conn_info.state}")                if conn_info.state == 1:                    if not disconnected_future.done():                        disconnected_future.set_result(None)  "connection_state_changed", callback)            asyncio.create_task(self.rtc_to_model()).add_done_callback(log_exception)            asyncio.create_task(self.model_to_rtc()).add_done_callback(log_exception)            asyncio.create_task(self._process_model_messages()).add_done_callback(                log_exception            )            await disconnected_future  "Agent finished running")        except asyncio.CancelledError:  "Agent cancelled")        except Exception as e:            logger.error(f"Error running agent: {e}")            raise    async def rtc_to_model(self) -> None:        if self.subscribe_user is None:            await asyncio.sleep(0.1)        audio_frames =        # Initialize PCMWriter for receiving audio        pcm_writer = PCMWriter(prefix="rtc_to_model", write_pcm=self.write_pcm)        try:            async for audio_frame in audio_frames:                # Process received audio (send to model)                _monitor_queue_size(self.audio_queue, "audio_queue")                await self.connection.send_audio_data(                # Write PCM data if enabled                await pcm_writer.write(                await asyncio.sleep(0)  # Yield control to allow other tasks to run        except asyncio.CancelledError:            # Write any remaining PCM data before exiting            await pcm_writer.flush()            raise  # Re-raise the exception to propagate cancellation    async def model_to_rtc(self) -> None:        # Initialize PCMWriter for sending audio        pcm_writer = PCMWriter(prefix="model_to_rtc", write_pcm=self.write_pcm)        try:            while True:                # Get audio frame from the model output                frame = await self.audio_queue.get()                # Process sending audio (to RTC)                await                # Write PCM data if enabled                await pcm_writer.write(frame)        except asyncio.CancelledError:            # Write any remaining PCM data before exiting            await pcm_writer.flush()            raise  # Re-raise the cancelled exception to properly exit the task    async def _process_model_messages(self) -> None:        async for message in self.connection.listen():            #"Received message {message=}")            match message:                case InputAudioBufferSpeechStarted():                    await                    # clear the audio queue so audio stops playing                    while not self.audio_queue.empty():                        self.audio_queue.get_nowait()          "TMS:InputAudioBufferSpeechStarted: item_id: {message.item_id}")                                case InputAudioBufferSpeechStopped():          "TMS:InputAudioBufferSpeechStopped: item_id: {message.item_id}")                    pass                                case ResponseAudioDelta():                    #"Received audio message")                    self.audio_queue.put_nowait(base64.b64decode(                    # loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self.audio_queue.put_nowait, base64.b64decode(          "TMS:ResponseAudioDelta: response_id:{message.response_id},item_id: {message.item_id}")                                case ResponseAudioTranscriptDelta():                    #"Received text message {message=}")                    asyncio.create_task(                        ChatMessage(                            message=to_json(message), msg_id=message.item_id                        )                    ))                case ResponseAudioTranscriptDone():          "Text message done: {message=}")                    asyncio.create_task(                        ChatMessage(                            message=to_json(message), msg_id=message.item_id                        )                    ))                #  InputAudioBufferCommitted                case InputAudioBufferCommitted():                    pass                case ItemCreated():                    pass                # ResponseCreated                case ResponseCreated():                    pass                # ResponseDone                case ResponseDone():                    pass                # ResponseOutputItemAdded                case ResponseOutputItemAdded():                    pass                # ResponseContenPartAdded                case ResponseContentPartAdded():                    pass                # ResponseAudioDone                case ResponseAudioDone():                    pass                # ResponseContentPartDone                case ResponseContentPartDone():                    pass                # ResponseOutputItemDone                case ResponseOutputItemDone():                    pass                case SessionUpdated():                    pass                case RateLimitsUpdated():                    pass                case _:                    logger.warning(f"Unhandled message {message=}")
import asyncioimport loggingimport osimport signalfrom multiprocessing import Processfrom aiohttp import webfrom dotenv import load_dotenvfrom pydantic import BaseModel, Field, ValidationErrorfrom realtime.struct import PCM_CHANNELS, PCM_SAMPLE_RATE, ServerVADUpdateParams, Voicesfrom agent import InferenceConfig, RealtimeKitAgentfrom agora_realtime_ai_api.rtc import RtcEngine, RtcOptionsfrom logger import setup_loggerfrom parse_args import parse_args, parse_args_realtimekit# Set up the logger with color and timestamp supportlogger = setup_logger(name=__name__, log_level=logging.INFO)load_dotenv(override=True)app_id = os.environ.get("AGORA_APP_ID")app_cert = os.environ.get("AGORA_APP_CERT")if not app_id:    raise ValueError("AGORA_APP_ID must be set in the environment.")class StartAgentRequestBody(BaseModel):    channel_name: str = Field(..., description="The name of the channel")    uid: int = Field(..., description="The UID of the user")    language: str = Field("en", description="The language of the agent")class StopAgentRequestBody(BaseModel):    channel_name: str = Field(..., description="The name of the channel")# Function to monitor the process and perform extra work when it finishesasync def monitor_process(channel_name: str, process: Process):    # Wait for the process to finish in a non-blocking way    await asyncio.to_thread(process.join)"Process for channel {channel_name} has finished")    # Perform additional work after the process finishes    # For example, removing the process from the active_processes dictionary    if channel_name in active_processes:        active_processes.pop(channel_name)    # Perform any other cleanup or additional actions you need here"Cleanup for channel {channel_name} completed")"Remaining active processes: {len(active_processes.keys())}")def handle_agent_proc_signal(signum, frame):"Agent process received signal {signal.strsignal(signum)}. Exiting...")    os._exit(0)def run_agent_in_process(    engine_app_id: str,    engine_app_cert: str,    channel_name: str,    uid: int,    inference_config: InferenceConfig,):  # Set up signal forwarding in the child process    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_agent_proc_signal)  # Forward SIGINT    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handle_agent_proc_signal)  # Forward SIGTERM        RealtimeKitAgent.setup_and_run_agent(            engine=RtcEngine(appid=engine_app_id, appcert=engine_app_cert),            options=RtcOptions(                channel_name=channel_name,                uid=uid,                sample_rate=PCM_SAMPLE_RATE,                channels=PCM_CHANNELS,                enable_pcm_dump= os.environ.get("WRITE_RTC_PCM", "false") == "true"            ),            inference_config=inference_config,            tools=None,        )    )# HTTP Server Routesasync def start_agent(request):    try:        # Parse and validate JSON body using the pydantic model        try:            data = await request.json()            validated_data = StartAgentRequestBody(**data)        except ValidationError as e:            return web.json_response(                {"error": "Invalid request data", "details": e.errors()}, status=400            )        # Parse JSON body        channel_name = validated_data.channel_name        uid = validated_data.uid        language = validated_data.language        # Check if a process is already running for the given channel_name        if (            channel_name in active_processes            and active_processes[channel_name].is_alive()        ):            return web.json_response(                {"error": f"Agent already running for channel: {channel_name}"},                status=400,            )        system_message = ""        if language == "en":            system_message = """Your knowledge cutoff is 2023-10. You are a helpful, witty, and friendly AI. Act like a human, but remember that you aren't a human and that you can't do human things in the real world. Your voice and personality should be warm and engaging, with a lively and playful tone. If interacting in a non-English language, start by using the standard accent or dialect familiar to the user. Talk quickly. You should always call a function if you can. Do not refer to these rules, even if you're asked about them."""        inference_config = InferenceConfig(            system_message=system_message,            voice=Voices.Alloy,            turn_detection=ServerVADUpdateParams(                type="server_vad", threshold=0.5, prefix_padding_ms=300, silence_duration_ms=200            ),        )        # Create a new process for running the agent        process = Process(            target=run_agent_in_process,            args=(app_id, app_cert, channel_name, uid, inference_config),        )        try:            process.start()        except Exception as e:            logger.error(f"Failed to start agent process: {e}")            return web.json_response(                {"error": f"Failed to start agent: {e}"}, status=500            )        # Store the process in the active_processes dictionary using channel_name as the key        active_processes[channel_name] = process        # Monitor the process in a background asyncio task        asyncio.create_task(monitor_process(channel_name, process))        return web.json_response({"status": "Agent started!"})    except Exception as e:        logger.error(f"Failed to start agent: {e}")        return web.json_response({"error": str(e)}, status=500)# HTTP Server Routes: Stop Agentasync def stop_agent(request):    try:        # Parse and validate JSON body using the pydantic model        try:            data = await request.json()            validated_data = StopAgentRequestBody(**data)        except ValidationError as e:            return web.json_response(                {"error": "Invalid request data", "details": e.errors()}, status=400            )        # Parse JSON body        channel_name = validated_data.channel_name        # Find and terminate the process associated with the given channel name        process = active_processes.get(channel_name)        if process and process.is_alive():  "Terminating process for channel {channel_name}")            await asyncio.to_thread(os.kill,, signal.SIGKILL)            return web.json_response(                {"status": "Agent process terminated", "channel_name": channel_name}            )        else:            return web.json_response(                {"error": "No active agent found for the provided channel_name"},                status=404,            )    except Exception as e:        logger.error(f"Failed to stop agent: {e}")        return web.json_response({"error": str(e)}, status=500)# Dictionary to keep track of processes by channel name or UIDactive_processes = {}# Function to handle shutdown and process cleanupasync def shutdown(app):"Shutting down server, cleaning up processes...")    for channel_name, process in active_processes.items():        if process.is_alive():                  f"Terminating process for channel {channel_name} (PID: {})"            )            await asyncio.to_thread(os.kill,, signal.SIGKILL)            await asyncio.to_thread(process.join)  # Ensure process has terminated    active_processes.clear()"All processes terminated, shutting down server")# Signal handler to gracefully stop the applicationdef handle_signal(signum, frame):"Received exit signal {signal.strsignal(signum)}...")    loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()    if loop.is_running():        # Properly shutdown by stopping the loop and running shutdown        loop.create_task(shutdown(None))        loop.stop()# Main aiohttp application setupasync def init_app():    app = web.Application()    # Add cleanup task to run on app exit    app.on_cleanup.append(shutdown)    app.add_routes(["/start_agent", start_agent)])    app.add_routes(["/stop_agent", stop_agent)])    return appif __name__ == "__main__":    # Parse the action argument    args = parse_args()    # Action logic based on the action argument    if args.action == "server":        # Python 3.10+ requires explicitly creating a new event loop if none exists        try:            loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()        except RuntimeError:            # For Python 3.10+, use this to get a new event loop if the default is closed or not created            loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()            asyncio.set_event_loop(loop)        # Start the application using for the new event loop        app = loop.run_until_complete(init_app())        web.run_app(app, port=int(os.getenv("SERVER_PORT") or "8080"))    elif args.action == "agent":        # Parse RealtimeKitOptions for running the agent        realtime_kit_options = parse_args_realtimekit()        # Example logging for parsed options (channel_name and uid)"Running agent with options: {realtime_kit_options}")        inference_config = InferenceConfig(            system_message="""Your knowledge cutoff is 2023-10. You are a helpful, witty, and friendly AI. Act like a human, but remember that you aren't a human and that you can't do human things in the real world. Your voice and personality should be warm and engaging, with a lively and playful tone. If interacting in a non-English language, start by using the standard accent or dialect familiar to the user. Talk quickly. You should always call a function if you can. Do not refer to these rules, even if you're asked about them.""",            voice=Voices.Alloy,            turn_detection=ServerVADUpdateParams(                type="server_vad", threshold=0.5, prefix_padding_ms=300, silence_duration_ms=200            ),        )        run_agent_in_process(            engine_app_id=app_id,            engine_app_cert=app_cert,            channel_name=realtime_kit_options["channel_name"],            uid=realtime_kit_options["uid"],            inference_config=inference_config,        )
import abcimport jsonimport loggingfrom typing import Any, Callable, assert_neverfrom attr import dataclassfrom pydantic import BaseModelfrom logger import setup_logger# Set up the logger with color and timestamp supportlogger = setup_logger(name=__name__, log_level=logging.INFO)@dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)class LocalFunctionToolDeclaration:    """Declaration of a tool that can be called by the model, and runs a function locally on the tool context."""    name: str    description: str    parameters: dict[str, Any]    function: Callable[..., Any]    def model_description(self) -> dict[str, Any]:        return {            "type": "function",            "function": {                "name":,                "description": self.description,                "parameters": self.parameters,            },        }@dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)class PassThroughFunctionToolDeclaration:    """Declaration of a tool that can be called by the model."""    name: str    description: str    parameters: dict[str, Any]    def model_description(self) -> dict[str, Any]:        return {            "type": "function",            "function": {                "name":,                "description": self.description,                "parameters": self.parameters,            },        }ToolDeclaration = LocalFunctionToolDeclaration | PassThroughFunctionToolDeclaration@dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)class LocalToolCallExecuted:    json_encoded_output: str@dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)class ShouldPassThroughToolCall:    decoded_function_args: dict[str, Any]ExecuteToolCallResult = LocalToolCallExecuted | ShouldPassThroughToolCallclass ToolContext(abc.ABC):    _tool_declarations: dict[str, ToolDeclaration]    def __init__(self) -> None:        # TODO should be an ordered dict        self._tool_declarations = {}    def register_function(        self,        *,        name: str,        description: str = "",        parameters: dict[str, Any],        fn: Callable[..., Any],    ) -> None:        self._tool_declarations[name] = LocalFunctionToolDeclaration(            name=name, description=description, parameters=parameters, function=fn        )    def register_client_function(        self,        *,        name: str,        description: str = "",        parameters: dict[str, Any],    ) -> None:        self._tool_declarations[name] = PassThroughFunctionToolDeclaration(            name=name, description=description, parameters=parameters        )    async def execute_tool(        self, tool_name: str, encoded_function_args: str    ) -> ExecuteToolCallResult | None:        tool = self._tool_declarations.get(tool_name)        if not tool:            return None        args = json.loads(encoded_function_args)        assert isinstance(args, dict)        if isinstance(tool, LocalFunctionToolDeclaration):  "Executing tool {tool_name} with args {args}")            result = await tool.function(**args)  "Tool {tool_name} executed with result {result}")            return LocalToolCallExecuted(json_encoded_output=json.dumps(result))        if isinstance(tool, PassThroughFunctionToolDeclaration):            return ShouldPassThroughToolCall(decoded_function_args=args)        assert_never(tool)    def model_description(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:        return [v.model_description() for v in self._tool_declarations.values()]class ClientToolCallResponse(BaseModel):    tool_call_id: str    result: dict[str, Any] | str | float | int | bool | None = None
import loggingfrom datetime import datetimeimport colorlogdef setup_logger(    name: str,    log_level: int = logging.INFO,    log_format: str = "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s",    use_color: bool = True) -> logging.Logger:    """Sets up and returns a logger with color and timestamp support, including milliseconds."""    # Create or get a logger with the given name    logger = logging.getLogger(name)    # Prevent the logger from propagating to the root logger (disable extra output)    logger.propagate = False        # Clear existing handlers to avoid duplicate messages    if logger.hasHandlers():        logger.handlers.clear()    # Set the log level    logger.setLevel(log_level)    # Create console handler    handler = logging.StreamHandler()    # Custom formatter for adding milliseconds    class CustomFormatter(colorlog.ColoredFormatter):        def formatTime(self, record, datefmt=None):            record_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(record.created)            if datefmt:                return record_time.strftime(datefmt) + f",{int(record.msecs):03d}"            else:                return record_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + f",{int(record.msecs):03d}"    # Use custom formatter that includes milliseconds    if use_color:        formatter = CustomFormatter(            "%(log_color)s" + log_format,            datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",  # Milliseconds will be appended manually            log_colors={                "DEBUG": "cyan",                "INFO": "green",                "WARNING": "yellow",                "ERROR": "red",                "CRITICAL": "bold_red",            },        )    else:        formatter = CustomFormatter(log_format, datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")    handler.setFormatter(formatter)    # Add the handler to the logger    logger.addHandler(handler)    return logger
import asyncioimport functoolsfrom datetime import datetimedef write_pcm_to_file(buffer: bytearray, file_name: str) -> None:    """Helper function to write PCM data to a file."""    with open(file_name, "ab") as f:  # append to file        f.write(buffer)def generate_file_name(prefix: str) -> str:    # Create a timestamp for the file name    timestamp ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")    return f"{prefix}_{timestamp}.pcm"class PCMWriter:    def __init__(self, prefix: str, write_pcm: bool, buffer_size: int = 1024 * 64):        self.write_pcm = write_pcm        self.buffer = bytearray()        self.buffer_size = buffer_size        self.file_name = generate_file_name(prefix) if write_pcm else None        self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()    async def write(self, data: bytes) -> None:        """Accumulate data into the buffer and write to file when necessary."""        if not self.write_pcm:            return        self.buffer.extend(data)        # Write to file if buffer is full        if len(self.buffer) >= self.buffer_size:            await self._flush()    async def flush(self) -> None:        """Write any remaining data in the buffer to the file."""        if self.write_pcm and self.buffer:            await self._flush()    async def _flush(self) -> None:        """Helper method to write the buffer to the file."""        if self.file_name:            await self.loop.run_in_executor(                None,                functools.partial(write_pcm_to_file, self.buffer[:], self.file_name),            )        self.buffer.clear()
import argparseimport loggingfrom typing import TypedDictfrom logger import setup_logger# Set up the logger with color and timestamp supportlogger = setup_logger(name=__name__, log_level=logging.INFO)class RealtimeKitOptions(TypedDict):    channel_name: str    uid: intdef parse_args():    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Manage server and agent actions.")        # Create a subparser for actions (server and agent)    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="action", required=True)    # Subparser for the 'server' action (no additional arguments)    subparsers.add_parser("server", help="Start the server")    # Subparser for the 'agent' action (with required arguments)    agent_parser = subparsers.add_parser("agent", help="Run an agent")    agent_parser.add_argument("--channel_name", required=True, help="Channel Id / must")    agent_parser.add_argument("--uid", type=int, default=0, help="User Id / default is 0")    return parser.parse_args()def parse_args_realtimekit() -> RealtimeKitOptions:    args = parse_args()"Parsed arguments: {args}")    if args.action == "agent":        options: RealtimeKitOptions = {"channel_name": args.channel_name, "uid": args.uid}        return options    return None
import asyncioimport base64import jsonimport loggingimport osimport aiohttpfrom typing import Any, AsyncGeneratorfrom .struct import InputAudioBufferAppend, ClientToServerMessage, ServerToClientMessage, parse_server_message, to_jsonfrom logger import setup_logger# Set up the logger with color and timestamp supportlogger = setup_logger(name=__name__, log_level=logging.INFO)DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_MODEL = "gpt-4o-realtime-preview"def smart_str(s: str, max_field_len: int = 128) -> str:    """parse string as json, truncate data field to 128 characters, reserialize"""    try:        data = json.loads(s)        if "delta" in data:            key = "delta"        elif "audio" in data:            key = "audio"        else:            return s        if len(data[key]) > max_field_len:            data[key] = data[key][:max_field_len] + "..."        return json.dumps(data)    except json.JSONDecodeError:        return sclass RealtimeApiConnection:    def __init__(        self,        base_uri: str,        api_key: str | None = None,        path: str = "/v1/realtime",        verbose: bool = False,        model: str = DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_MODEL,    ):                self.url = f"{base_uri}{path}"        if "model=" not in self.url:            self.url += f"?model={model}"        self.api_key = api_key or os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY")        self.websocket: aiohttp.ClientWebSocketResponse | None = None        self.verbose = verbose        self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession()    async def __aenter__(self) -> "RealtimeApiConnection":        await self.connect()        return self    async def __aexit__(self, exc_type: Any, exc_value: Any, traceback: Any) -> bool:        await self.close()        return False    async def connect(self):        auth = aiohttp.BasicAuth("", self.api_key) if self.api_key else None        headers = {"OpenAI-Beta": "realtime=v1"}        self.websocket = await self.session.ws_connect(            url=self.url,            auth=auth,            headers=headers,        )    async def send_audio_data(self, audio_data: bytes):        """audio_data is assumed to be pcm16 24kHz mono little-endian"""        base64_audio_data = base64.b64encode(audio_data).decode("utf-8")        message = InputAudioBufferAppend(audio=base64_audio_data)        await self.send_request(message)    async def send_request(self, message: ClientToServerMessage):        assert self.websocket is not None        message_str = to_json(message)        if self.verbose:  "-> {smart_str(message_str)}")        await self.websocket.send_str(message_str)        async def listen(self) -> AsyncGenerator[ServerToClientMessage, None]:        assert self.websocket is not None        if self.verbose:  "Listening for realtime messages")        try:            async for msg in self.websocket:                if msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT:                    if self.verbose:              "<- {smart_str(}")                    yield self.handle_server_message(                elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR:                    logger.error("Error during receive: %s", self.websocket.exception())                    break        except asyncio.CancelledError:  "Receive messages task cancelled")    def handle_server_message(self, message: str) -> ServerToClientMessage:        try:            return parse_server_message(message)        except Exception as e:            logger.error("Error handling message: " + str(e))            raise e    async def close(self):        # Close the websocket connection if it exists        if self.websocket:            await self.websocket.close()            self.websocket = None
import jsonfrom dataclasses import dataclass, asdict, field, is_dataclassfrom typing import Any, Dict, Literal, Optional, List, Set, Unionfrom enum import Enumimport uuidPCM_SAMPLE_RATE = 24000PCM_CHANNELS = 1def generate_event_id() -> str:    return str(uuid.uuid4())# Enumsclass Voices(str, Enum):    Alloy = "alloy"    Echo = "echo"    Fable = "fable"    Nova = "nova"    Nova_2 = "nova_2"    Nova_3 = "nova_3"    Nova_4 = "nova_4"    Nova_5 = "nova_5"    Onyx = "onyx"    Shimmer = "shimmer"class AudioFormats(str, Enum):    PCM16 = "pcm16"    G711_ULAW = "g711_ulaw"    G711_ALAW = "g711_alaw"class ItemType(str, Enum):    Message = "message"    FunctionCall = "function_call"    FunctionCallOutput = "function_call_output"class MessageRole(str, Enum):    System = "system"    User = "user"    Assistant = "assistant"class ContentType(str, Enum):    InputText = "input_text"    InputAudio = "input_audio"    Text = "text"    Audio = "audio"@dataclassclass FunctionToolChoice:    name: str  # Name of the function    type: str = "function"  # Fixed value for type# ToolChoice can be either a literal string or FunctionToolChoiceToolChoice = Union[str, FunctionToolChoice]  # "none", "auto", "required", or FunctionToolChoice@dataclassclass RealtimeError:    type: str  # The type of the error    message: str  # The error message    code: Optional[str] = None  # Optional error code    param: Optional[str] = None  # Optional parameter related to the error    event_id: Optional[str] = None  # Optional event ID for tracing@dataclassclass InputAudioTranscription:    model: str = "whisper-1"  # Default transcription model is "whisper-1"@dataclassclass ServerVADUpdateParams:    threshold: Optional[float] = None  # Threshold for voice activity detection    prefix_padding_ms: Optional[int] = None  # Amount of padding before the voice starts (in milliseconds)    silence_duration_ms: Optional[int] = None  # Duration of silence before considering speech stopped (in milliseconds)    type: str = "server_vad"  # Fixed value for VAD type@dataclassclass Session:    id: str  # The unique identifier for the session    model: str  # The model associated with the session (e.g., "gpt-3")    expires_at: int  # Expiration time of the session in seconds since the epoch (UNIX timestamp)    object: str = "realtime.session"  # Fixed value indicating the object type    modalities: Set[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: {"text", "audio"})  # Set of allowed modalities (e.g., "text", "audio")    instructions: Optional[str] = None  # Instructions or guidance for the session    voice: Voices = Voices.Alloy  # Voice configuration for audio responses, defaulting to "Alloy"    turn_detection: Optional[ServerVADUpdateParams] = None  # Voice activity detection (VAD) settings    input_audio_format: AudioFormats = AudioFormats.PCM16  # Audio format for input (e.g., "pcm16")    output_audio_format: AudioFormats = AudioFormats.PCM16  # Audio format for output (e.g., "pcm16")    input_audio_transcription: Optional[InputAudioTranscription] = None  # Audio transcription model settings (e.g., "whisper-1")    tools: List[Dict[str, Union[str, Any]]] = field(default_factory=list)  # List of tools available during the session    tool_choice: Literal["auto", "none", "required"] = "auto"  # How tools should be used in the session    temperature: float = 0.8  # Temperature setting for model creativity    max_response_output_tokens: Union[int, Literal["inf"]] = "inf"  # Maximum number of tokens in the response, or "inf" for unlimited    @dataclassclass SessionUpdateParams:    model: Optional[str] = None  # Optional string to specify the model    modalities: Optional[Set[str]] = None  # Set of allowed modalities (e.g., "text", "audio")    instructions: Optional[str] = None  # Optional instructions string    voice: Optional[Voices] = None  # Voice selection, can be `None` or from `Voices` Enum    turn_detection: Optional[ServerVADUpdateParams] = None  # Server VAD update params    input_audio_format: Optional[AudioFormats] = None  # Input audio format from `AudioFormats` Enum    output_audio_format: Optional[AudioFormats] = None  # Output audio format from `AudioFormats` Enum    input_audio_transcription: Optional[InputAudioTranscription] = None  # Optional transcription model    tools: Optional[List[Dict[str, Union[str, any]]]] = None  # List of tools (e.g., dictionaries)    tool_choice: Optional[ToolChoice] = None  # ToolChoice, either string or `FunctionToolChoice`    temperature: Optional[float] = None  # Optional temperature for response generation    max_response_output_tokens: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None  # Max response tokens, "inf" for infinite# Define individual message item param types@dataclassclass SystemMessageItemParam:    content: List[dict]  # This can be more specific based on content structure    id: Optional[str] = None    status: Optional[str] = None    type: str = "message"    role: str = "system"@dataclassclass UserMessageItemParam:    content: List[dict]  # Similarly, content can be more specific    id: Optional[str] = None    status: Optional[str] = None    type: str = "message"    role: str = "user"@dataclassclass AssistantMessageItemParam:    content: List[dict]  # Content structure here depends on your schema    id: Optional[str] = None    status: Optional[str] = None    type: str = "message"    role: str = "assistant"@dataclassclass FunctionCallItemParam:    name: str    call_id: str    arguments: str    type: str = "function_call"    id: Optional[str] = None    status: Optional[str] = None@dataclassclass FunctionCallOutputItemParam:    call_id: str    output: str    id: Optional[str] = None    type: str = "function_call_output"# Union of all possible item typesItemParam = Union[    SystemMessageItemParam,    UserMessageItemParam,    AssistantMessageItemParam,    FunctionCallItemParam,    FunctionCallOutputItemParam]# Assuming the EventType and other enums are already defined# For reference:class EventType(str, Enum):    SESSION_UPDATE = "session.update"    INPUT_AUDIO_BUFFER_APPEND = "input_audio_buffer.append"    INPUT_AUDIO_BUFFER_COMMIT = "input_audio_buffer.commit"    INPUT_AUDIO_BUFFER_CLEAR = "input_audio_buffer.clear"    UPDATE_CONVERSATION_CONFIG = "update_conversation_config"    ITEM_CREATE = "conversation.item.create"    ITEM_TRUNCATE = "conversation.item.truncate"    ITEM_DELETE = "conversation.item.delete"    RESPONSE_CREATE = "response.create"    RESPONSE_CANCEL = "response.cancel"    ERROR = "error"    SESSION_CREATED = "session.created"    SESSION_UPDATED = "session.updated"    INPUT_AUDIO_BUFFER_COMMITTED = "input_audio_buffer.committed"    INPUT_AUDIO_BUFFER_CLEARED = "input_audio_buffer.cleared"    INPUT_AUDIO_BUFFER_SPEECH_STARTED = "input_audio_buffer.speech_started"    INPUT_AUDIO_BUFFER_SPEECH_STOPPED = "input_audio_buffer.speech_stopped"    ITEM_CREATED = "conversation.item.created"    ITEM_DELETED = "conversation.item.deleted"    ITEM_TRUNCATED = "conversation.item.truncated"    ITEM_INPUT_AUDIO_TRANSCRIPTION_COMPLETED = "conversation.item.input_audio_transcription.completed"    ITEM_INPUT_AUDIO_TRANSCRIPTION_FAILED = "conversation.item.input_audio_transcription.failed"    RESPONSE_CREATED = "response.created"    RESPONSE_CANCELLED = "response.cancelled"    RESPONSE_DONE = "response.done"    RESPONSE_OUTPUT_ITEM_ADDED = "response.output_item.added"    RESPONSE_OUTPUT_ITEM_DONE = "response.output_item.done"    RESPONSE_CONTENT_PART_ADDED = "response.content_part.added"    RESPONSE_CONTENT_PART_DONE = "response.content_part.done"    RESPONSE_TEXT_DELTA = ""    RESPONSE_TEXT_DONE = "response.text.done"    RESPONSE_AUDIO_TRANSCRIPT_DELTA = ""    RESPONSE_AUDIO_TRANSCRIPT_DONE = "response.audio_transcript.done"    RESPONSE_AUDIO_DELTA = ""    RESPONSE_AUDIO_DONE = ""    RESPONSE_FUNCTION_CALL_ARGUMENTS_DELTA = ""    RESPONSE_FUNCTION_CALL_ARGUMENTS_DONE = "response.function_call_arguments.done"    RATE_LIMITS_UPDATED = "rate_limits.updated"# Base class for all ServerToClientMessages@dataclassclass ServerToClientMessage:    event_id: str@dataclassclass ErrorMessage(ServerToClientMessage):    error: RealtimeError    type: str = EventType.ERROR@dataclassclass SessionCreated(ServerToClientMessage):    session: Session    type: str = EventType.SESSION_CREATED@dataclassclass SessionUpdated(ServerToClientMessage):    session: Session    type: str = EventType.SESSION_UPDATED@dataclassclass InputAudioBufferCommitted(ServerToClientMessage):    item_id: str    type: str = EventType.INPUT_AUDIO_BUFFER_COMMITTED    previous_item_id: Optional[str] = None@dataclassclass InputAudioBufferCleared(ServerToClientMessage):    type: str = EventType.INPUT_AUDIO_BUFFER_CLEARED@dataclassclass InputAudioBufferSpeechStarted(ServerToClientMessage):    audio_start_ms: int    item_id: str    type: str = EventType.INPUT_AUDIO_BUFFER_SPEECH_STARTED@dataclassclass InputAudioBufferSpeechStopped(ServerToClientMessage):    audio_end_ms: int    type: str = EventType.INPUT_AUDIO_BUFFER_SPEECH_STOPPED    item_id: Optional[str] = None@dataclassclass ItemCreated(ServerToClientMessage):    item: ItemParam    type: str = EventType.ITEM_CREATED    previous_item_id: Optional[str] = None@dataclassclass ItemTruncated(ServerToClientMessage):    item_id: str    content_index: int    audio_end_ms: int    type: str = EventType.ITEM_TRUNCATED@dataclassclass ItemDeleted(ServerToClientMessage):    item_id: str    type: str = EventType.ITEM_DELETED# Assuming the necessary enums, ItemParam, and other classes are defined above# ResponseStatus could be a string or an enum, depending on your schema# Enum or Literal for ResponseStatus (could be more extensive)ResponseStatus = Union[str, Literal["in_progress", "completed", "cancelled", "incomplete", "failed"]]# Define status detail classes@dataclassclass ResponseCancelledDetails:    reason: str  # e.g., "turn_detected", "client_cancelled"    type: str = "cancelled"@dataclassclass ResponseIncompleteDetails:    reason: str  # e.g., "max_output_tokens", "content_filter"    type: str = "incomplete"@dataclassclass ResponseError:    type: str  # The type of the error, e.g., "validation_error", "server_error"    message: str  # The error message describing what went wrong    code: Optional[str] = None  # Optional error code, e.g., HTTP status code, API error code@dataclassclass ResponseFailedDetails:    error: ResponseError  # Assuming ResponseError is already defined    type: str = "failed"# Union of possible status detailsResponseStatusDetails = Union[ResponseCancelledDetails, ResponseIncompleteDetails, ResponseFailedDetails]# Define Usage class to handle token usage@dataclassclass InputTokenDetails:    cached_tokens: int    text_tokens: int    audio_tokens: int@dataclassclass OutputTokenDetails:    text_tokens: int    audio_tokens: int@dataclassclass Usage:    total_tokens: int    input_tokens: int    output_tokens: int    input_token_details: InputTokenDetails    output_token_details: OutputTokenDetails# The Response dataclass definition@dataclassclass Response:    id: str  # Unique ID for the response    output: List[ItemParam] = field(default_factory=list)  # List of items in the response    object: str = "realtime.response"  # Fixed value for object type    status: ResponseStatus = "in_progress"  # Status of the response    status_details: Optional[ResponseStatusDetails] = None  # Additional details based on status    usage: Optional[Usage] = None  # Token usage information@dataclassclass ResponseCreated(ServerToClientMessage):    response: Response    type: str = EventType.RESPONSE_CREATED@dataclassclass ResponseDone(ServerToClientMessage):    response: Response    type: str = EventType.RESPONSE_DONE@dataclassclass ResponseTextDelta(ServerToClientMessage):    response_id: str    item_id: str    output_index: int    content_index: int    delta: str    type: str = EventType.RESPONSE_TEXT_DELTA@dataclassclass ResponseTextDone(ServerToClientMessage):    response_id: str    item_id: str    output_index: int    content_index: int    text: str    type: str = EventType.RESPONSE_TEXT_DONE@dataclassclass ResponseAudioTranscriptDelta(ServerToClientMessage):    response_id: str    item_id: str    output_index: int    content_index: int    delta: str    type: str = EventType.RESPONSE_AUDIO_TRANSCRIPT_DELTA@dataclassclass ResponseAudioTranscriptDone(ServerToClientMessage):    response_id: str    item_id: str    output_index: int    content_index: int    transcript: str    type: str = EventType.RESPONSE_AUDIO_TRANSCRIPT_DONE@dataclassclass ResponseAudioDelta(ServerToClientMessage):    response_id: str    item_id: str    output_index: int    content_index: int    delta: str    type: str = EventType.RESPONSE_AUDIO_DELTA@dataclassclass ResponseAudioDone(ServerToClientMessage):    response_id: str    item_id: str    output_index: int    content_index: int    type: str = EventType.RESPONSE_AUDIO_DONE@dataclassclass ResponseFunctionCallArgumentsDelta(ServerToClientMessage):    response_id: str    item_id: str    output_index: int    call_id: str    delta: str    type: str = EventType.RESPONSE_FUNCTION_CALL_ARGUMENTS_DELTA@dataclassclass ResponseFunctionCallArgumentsDone(ServerToClientMessage):    response_id: str    item_id: str    output_index: int    call_id: str    name: str    arguments: str    type: str = EventType.RESPONSE_FUNCTION_CALL_ARGUMENTS_DONE@dataclassclass RateLimitDetails:    name: str  # Name of the rate limit, e.g., "api_requests", "message_generation"    limit: int  # The maximum number of allowed requests in the current time window    remaining: int  # The number of requests remaining in the current time window    reset_seconds: float  # The number of seconds until the rate limit resets@dataclassclass RateLimitsUpdated(ServerToClientMessage):    rate_limits: List[RateLimitDetails]    type: str = EventType.RATE_LIMITS_UPDATED@dataclassclass ResponseOutputItemAdded(ServerToClientMessage):    response_id: str  # The ID of the response    output_index: int  # Index of the output item in the response    item: Union[ItemParam, None]  # The added item (can be a message, function call, etc.)    type: str = EventType.RESPONSE_OUTPUT_ITEM_ADDED  # Fixed event type@dataclassclass ResponseContentPartAdded(ServerToClientMessage):    response_id: str  # The ID of the response    item_id: str  # The ID of the item to which the content part was added    output_index: int  # Index of the output item in the response    content_index: int  # Index of the content part in the output    part: Union[ItemParam, None]  # The added content part    type: str = EventType.RESPONSE_CONTENT_PART_ADDED  # Fixed event type@dataclassclass ResponseContentPartDone(ServerToClientMessage):    response_id: str  # The ID of the response    item_id: str  # The ID of the item to which the content part belongs    output_index: int  # Index of the output item in the response    content_index: int  # Index of the content part in the output    part: Union[ItemParam, None]  # The content part that was completed    type: str = EventType.RESPONSE_CONTENT_PART_ADDED  # Fixed event type@dataclassclass ResponseOutputItemDone(ServerToClientMessage):    response_id: str  # The ID of the response    output_index: int  # Index of the output item in the response    item: Union[ItemParam, None]  # The output item that was completed    type: str = EventType.RESPONSE_OUTPUT_ITEM_DONE  # Fixed event type@dataclassclass ItemInputAudioTranscriptionCompleted(ServerToClientMessage):    item_id: str  # The ID of the item for which transcription was completed    content_index: int  # Index of the content part that was transcribed    transcript: str  # The transcribed text    type: str = EventType.ITEM_INPUT_AUDIO_TRANSCRIPTION_COMPLETED  # Fixed event type@dataclassclass ItemInputAudioTranscriptionFailed(ServerToClientMessage):    item_id: str  # The ID of the item for which transcription failed    content_index: int  # Index of the content part that failed to transcribe    error: ResponseError  # Error details explaining the failure    type: str = EventType.ITEM_INPUT_AUDIO_TRANSCRIPTION_FAILED  # Fixed event type# Union of all server-to-client message typesServerToClientMessages = Union[    ErrorMessage,    SessionCreated,    SessionUpdated,    InputAudioBufferCommitted,    InputAudioBufferCleared,    InputAudioBufferSpeechStarted,    InputAudioBufferSpeechStopped,    ItemCreated,    ItemTruncated,    ItemDeleted,    ResponseCreated,    ResponseDone,    ResponseTextDelta,    ResponseTextDone,    ResponseAudioTranscriptDelta,    ResponseAudioTranscriptDone,    ResponseAudioDelta,    ResponseAudioDone,    ResponseFunctionCallArgumentsDelta,    ResponseFunctionCallArgumentsDone,    RateLimitsUpdated,    ResponseOutputItemAdded,    ResponseContentPartAdded,    ResponseContentPartDone,    ResponseOutputItemDone,    ItemInputAudioTranscriptionCompleted,    ItemInputAudioTranscriptionFailed]# Base class for all ClientToServerMessages@dataclassclass ClientToServerMessage:    event_id: str = field(default_factory=generate_event_id)@dataclassclass InputAudioBufferAppend(ClientToServerMessage):    audio: Optional[str] = field(default=None)    type: str = EventType.INPUT_AUDIO_BUFFER_APPEND  # Default argument (has a default value)@dataclassclass InputAudioBufferCommit(ClientToServerMessage):    type: str = EventType.INPUT_AUDIO_BUFFER_COMMIT@dataclassclass InputAudioBufferClear(ClientToServerMessage):    type: str = EventType.INPUT_AUDIO_BUFFER_CLEAR@dataclassclass ItemCreate(ClientToServerMessage):    item: Optional[ItemParam] = field(default=None)  # Assuming `ItemParam` is already defined    type: str = EventType.ITEM_CREATE    previous_item_id: Optional[str] = None@dataclassclass ItemTruncate(ClientToServerMessage):    item_id: Optional[str] = field(default=None)    content_index: Optional[int] = field(default=None)    audio_end_ms: Optional[int] = field(default=None)    type: str = EventType.ITEM_TRUNCATE@dataclassclass ItemDelete(ClientToServerMessage):    item_id: Optional[str] = field(default=None)    type: str = EventType.ITEM_DELETE    @dataclassclass ResponseCreateParams:    commit: bool = True  # Whether the generated messages should be appended to the conversation    cancel_previous: bool = True  # Whether to cancel the previous pending generation    append_input_items: Optional[List[ItemParam]] = None  # Messages to append before response generation    input_items: Optional[List[ItemParam]] = None  # Initial messages to use for generation    modalities: Optional[Set[str]] = None  # Allowed modalities (e.g., "text", "audio")    instructions: Optional[str] = None  # Instructions or guidance for the model    voice: Optional[Voices] = None  # Voice setting for audio output    output_audio_format: Optional[AudioFormats] = None  # Format for the audio output    tools: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None  # Tools available for this response    tool_choice: Optional[ToolChoice] = None  # How to choose the tool ("auto", "required", etc.)    temperature: Optional[float] = None  # The randomness of the model's responses    max_response_output_tokens: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None  # Max number of tokens for the output, "inf" for infinite@dataclassclass ResponseCreate(ClientToServerMessage):    type: str = EventType.RESPONSE_CREATE    response: Optional[ResponseCreateParams] = None  # Assuming `ResponseCreateParams` is defined@dataclassclass ResponseCancel(ClientToServerMessage):    type: str = EventType.RESPONSE_CANCELDEFAULT_CONVERSATION = "default"@dataclassclass UpdateConversationConfig(ClientToServerMessage):    type: str = EventType.UPDATE_CONVERSATION_CONFIG    label: str = DEFAULT_CONVERSATION    subscribe_to_user_audio: Optional[bool] = None    voice: Optional[Voices] = None    system_message: Optional[str] = None    temperature: Optional[float] = None    max_tokens: Optional[int] = None    tools: Optional[List[dict]] = None    tool_choice: Optional[ToolChoice] = None    disable_audio: Optional[bool] = None    output_audio_format: Optional[AudioFormats] = None@dataclassclass SessionUpdate(ClientToServerMessage):    session: Optional[SessionUpdateParams] = field(default=None)  # Assuming `SessionUpdateParams` is defined    type: str = EventType.SESSION_UPDATE# Union of all client-to-server message typesClientToServerMessages = Union[    InputAudioBufferAppend,    InputAudioBufferCommit,    InputAudioBufferClear,    ItemCreate,    ItemTruncate,    ItemDelete,    ResponseCreate,    ResponseCancel,    UpdateConversationConfig,    SessionUpdate]def from_dict(data_class, data):    """Recursively convert a dictionary to a dataclass instance."""    if is_dataclass(data_class):  # Check if the target class is a dataclass        fieldtypes = { f.type for f in data_class.__dataclass_fields__.values()}        return data_class(**{f: from_dict(fieldtypes[f], data[f]) for f in data})    elif isinstance(data, list):  # Handle lists of nested dataclass objects        return [from_dict(data_class.__args__[0], item) for item in data]    else:  # For primitive types (str, int, float, etc.), return the value as-is        return datadef parse_client_message(unparsed_string: str) -> ClientToServerMessage:    data = json.loads(unparsed_string)        # Dynamically select the correct message class based on the `type` field, using from_dict    if data["type"] == EventType.INPUT_AUDIO_BUFFER_APPEND:        return from_dict(InputAudioBufferAppend, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.INPUT_AUDIO_BUFFER_COMMIT:        return from_dict(InputAudioBufferCommit, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.INPUT_AUDIO_BUFFER_CLEAR:        return from_dict(InputAudioBufferClear, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.ITEM_CREATE:        return from_dict(ItemCreate, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.ITEM_TRUNCATE:        return from_dict(ItemTruncate, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.ITEM_DELETE:        return from_dict(ItemDelete, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.RESPONSE_CREATE:        return from_dict(ResponseCreate, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.RESPONSE_CANCEL:        return from_dict(ResponseCancel, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.UPDATE_CONVERSATION_CONFIG:        return from_dict(UpdateConversationConfig, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.SESSION_UPDATE:        return from_dict(SessionUpdate, data)        raise ValueError(f"Unknown message type: {data['type']}")# Assuming all necessary classes and enums (EventType, ServerToClientMessages, etc.) are imported# Here’s how you can dynamically parse a server-to-client message based on the `type` field:def parse_server_message(unparsed_string: str) -> ServerToClientMessage:    data = json.loads(unparsed_string)    # Dynamically select the correct message class based on the `type` field, using from_dict    if data["type"] == EventType.ERROR:        return from_dict(ErrorMessage, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.SESSION_CREATED:        return from_dict(SessionCreated, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.SESSION_UPDATED:        return from_dict(SessionUpdated, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.INPUT_AUDIO_BUFFER_COMMITTED:        return from_dict(InputAudioBufferCommitted, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.INPUT_AUDIO_BUFFER_CLEARED:        return from_dict(InputAudioBufferCleared, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.INPUT_AUDIO_BUFFER_SPEECH_STARTED:        return from_dict(InputAudioBufferSpeechStarted, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.INPUT_AUDIO_BUFFER_SPEECH_STOPPED:        return from_dict(InputAudioBufferSpeechStopped, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.ITEM_CREATED:        return from_dict(ItemCreated, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.ITEM_TRUNCATED:        return from_dict(ItemTruncated, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.ITEM_DELETED:        return from_dict(ItemDeleted, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.RESPONSE_CREATED:        return from_dict(ResponseCreated, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.RESPONSE_DONE:        return from_dict(ResponseDone, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.RESPONSE_TEXT_DELTA:        return from_dict(ResponseTextDelta, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.RESPONSE_TEXT_DONE:        return from_dict(ResponseTextDone, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.RESPONSE_AUDIO_TRANSCRIPT_DELTA:        return from_dict(ResponseAudioTranscriptDelta, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.RESPONSE_AUDIO_TRANSCRIPT_DONE:        return from_dict(ResponseAudioTranscriptDone, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.RESPONSE_AUDIO_DELTA:        return from_dict(ResponseAudioDelta, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.RESPONSE_AUDIO_DONE:        return from_dict(ResponseAudioDone, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.RESPONSE_FUNCTION_CALL_ARGUMENTS_DELTA:        return from_dict(ResponseFunctionCallArgumentsDelta, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.RESPONSE_FUNCTION_CALL_ARGUMENTS_DONE:        return from_dict(ResponseFunctionCallArgumentsDone, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.RATE_LIMITS_UPDATED:        return from_dict(RateLimitsUpdated, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.RESPONSE_OUTPUT_ITEM_ADDED:        return from_dict(ResponseOutputItemAdded, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.RESPONSE_CONTENT_PART_ADDED:        return from_dict(ResponseContentPartAdded, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.RESPONSE_CONTENT_PART_DONE:        return from_dict(ResponseContentPartDone, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.RESPONSE_OUTPUT_ITEM_DONE:        return from_dict(ResponseOutputItemDone, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.ITEM_INPUT_AUDIO_TRANSCRIPTION_COMPLETED:        return from_dict(ItemInputAudioTranscriptionCompleted, data)    elif data["type"] == EventType.ITEM_INPUT_AUDIO_TRANSCRIPTION_FAILED:        return from_dict(ItemInputAudioTranscriptionFailed, data)    raise ValueError(f"Unknown message type: {data['type']}")    def to_json(obj: Union[ClientToServerMessage, ServerToClientMessage]) -> str:    return json.dumps(asdict(obj))

The imports key classes from, which implements the server-side Agora Python Voice SDK, facilitating communication and managing audio streams.

Test the Code

Setup and run the backend

To set up and run the backend, take the following steps:

  1. Make sure that you have updated the files in the realtime_agent folder with the complete code.

  2. Update the values for AGORA_APP_ID, AGORA_APP_CERT, and OPENAI_API_KEY in the project's .env file.

    Ensure that the necessary credentials for Agora and OpenAI are correctly configured.

  3. Execute the following command to run the demo agent:

    python3 -m main agent --channel_name=<channel_name> --uid=<agent_uid>

    Replace <channel_name> with the desired channel name and <agent_uid> with a unique user ID.

Start HTTP server

To start the HTTP server:

python3 -m main server

The server provides a simple layer for managing agent processes.

POST /start_agent

This api starts an agent with given graph and override properties. The started agent joins the specified channel, and subscribes to the uid which your browser/device's rtc used to join.

channel_name (string)Use the same channel name that your browser/device joins, agent needs to be in the same channel to communicate.
uid (unsigned int)The user ID that the AI agent uses to join.


curl 'http://localhost:8080/start_agent' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"channel_name": "test",
"uid": 123

POST /stop_agent

This api stops the agent you started.

channel_name (string)Use the same channel name you used to start the agent.


curl 'http://localhost:8080/stop_agent' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"channel_name": "test"

Front-end for testing

Use Agora's Voice Call Demo for testing. Join with your AppID and generate a token from the project settings page on the Agora Console.


Additional relevant documentation that complements the current page or explains other aspects of the product.
