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MediaPlayer Kit

Function description

The MediaPlayer Kit is a powerful player that supports playing local and online media resources. With this player, you can either locally play media resources or synchronously share currently playing media resources with remote users in the Agora channel.

Usage notice

  • Currently supported media formats: Local files in AVI, MP4, MP3, MKV, and FLV formats; online media streams using HTTP, HTTPS, RTMP and RTSP protocols.
  • When locally playing media resources, you only need the separate MediaPlayer Kit. When synchronously sharing media resources with remote users, you need to use the MediaPlayer Kit, Agora Native SDK, and RtcChannelPublishHelper at the same time. The MediaPlayer Kit supports the local user to use the player function, the Native SDK supports interactive live streaming scenarios, and the RtcChannelPublishHelper supports publishing media streams to remote users in Agora channel.
  • When sharing media resources with remote users, the playback window occupies the local user's video as captured by the camera. Therefore, if you want remote users to see both the local user's and the player's window, you need to start another process to capture the local user's video.
  • MediaPlayer Kit only supports playing videos with a frame rate less than 60fps (excluding).

Set up the development environment


  • Android Studio 3.0 or later
  • Android SDK API Level 16 or higher
  • A mobile device running Android 4.1 or later

Open the specified ports in Firewall Requirements if your network has a firewall.

A valid Agora account (Sign up for free) is necessary when sharing media resources to remote users.

Create an Android project

Follow these steps to create an Android project:

Create an Android project
  1. Open Android Studio and click Start a new Android Studio project.

  2. On the Choose your project panel, choose Phone and Tablet > Empty Activity, and click Next.

  3. On the Configure your project panel, fill in the following contents:

    • Name: The name of your project, for example, MediaPlayer
    • Package name: The name of the project package, for example, io.agora.mediaplayer
    • Project location: The path to save the project
    • Language: The programming language of the project, for example, Java
    • Minimum API level: The minimum API level of the project

Click Finish. Follow the on-screen instructions, if any, to install the plug-ins.

Integrate the MediaPlayer Kit

Choose either of the following methods to integrate the MediaPlayer Kit into your project.

Method 1: Automatically integrate the MediaPlayer Kit with JitPack

Only applies to MediaPlayer Kit v1.2.9 and later. You still need to use Jcenter if you integrate the MediaPlayer Kit below v1.2.9.

Add the following line in the /app/build.gradle file of your project:

allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
// For x.y.z, fill in a specific SDK version number. For example, 1.2.9.
// Get the latest version number through the release notes.
implementation 'com.github.agorabuilder:agoraplayer:x.y.z'

Method 2: Automatically integrate the SDK with mavenCentral

Only applies to MediaPlayer Kit v1.3.0 and later.

  1. In /Gradle Scripts/build.gradle(Project: <projectname>), add the following lines to add the mavenCentral dependency:

buildscript {
repositories {
allprojects {
repositories {

  1. In /Gradle Scripts/build.gradle(Module: <projectname>.app), add the following lines to integrate the Agora Video SDK into your Android project:

dependencies {
// For x.y.z, fill in a specific SDK version number. For example, 1.3.0.
// Get the latest version number through the release notes.
implementation 'io.agora:player:x.y.z'

Method 3: Manually copy the MediaPlayer Kit files

  1. Go to Downloads, download the latest version of the MediaPlayer Kit, and unzip the download package.

  2. Add the following files or subfolders from the libs folder of the download package to the paths of your project.

    File or subfolderPath of your project
    AgoraMediaPlayer.jar file/app/libs/
    arm64-v8a folder/app/src/main/jniLibs/
    armeabi-v7a folder/app/src/main/jniLibs/
    x86 folder/app/src/main/jniLibs/
    x86_64 folder/app/src/main/jniLibs/
  3. In the /app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file, add the following permissions for device access according to your needs:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

    If your targetSdkVersion >= 29, add the following line in the <application> module in the AndroidManifest.xml file:


Integrate the Native SDK

Version requirements: 2.4.0 or later

Integration steps: See Integrate the Native SDK

Integrate the RtcChannelPublishHelper

Integration steps:

  1. Go to Download, download the latest version of the Agora Native SDK, and unzip the download package.

  2. Go to Download, download the RtcChannelPublishHelper source code.

  3. Copy all the files in the include folder of the Agora Native SDK to the src/main/cpp/include directory of the RtcChannelPublishHelper.

  4. Copy the libs/agora-rtc-sdk.jar file of Agora Native SDK to the libs directory of RtcChannelPublishHelper.

  5. In the /app/build.gradle file, add the following lines:

    • Add the following line in the dependencies node, specifying the name of the aar file to be imported.


  • Add the following lines in the android node, specifying the file storage path of the aar file.

    repositories {
    flatDir {
    dirs 'libs'

  1. Compile the source code of the RtcChannelPublishHelper to generate the aar file, copy the generated aar file to the app/libs directory.


Play media resources locally

After integrating the MediaPlayer Kit, follow these steps to implement the local playback function.

Create a player instance

Create an instance of AgoraMediaPlayerKit.

To play different media resources simultaneously, you should create multiple instances.

Register a player observer object

  1. Implement the MediaPlayerObserver interface and instantiate a MediaPlayerObserver object.
  2. Call the registerPlayerObserver method in the AgoraMediaPlayerKit interface to register a player observer object (playerObserver), and listen for the following playback events:
    • onPositionChanged, which reports the current playback progress.
    • onPlayerStateChanged, which reports the playback state change.
    • onPlayerEvent, which reports the result of a seek operation to a new playback position.
    • onMetaData, which occurs each time the player receives the media metadata.

By listening for these events, you can have more control over the playback process and enable your app to support data in custom formats (media metadata). If an exception occurs, you can use these event callbacks for troubleshooting.

Register an audio observer object

  1. Implement the AudioFrameObserver interface and instantiate an AudioFrameObserver object.
  2. Call the registerAudioFrameObserver method in the AgoraMediaPlayerKit interface to register an audio observer object (observer) and listen for the event that confirms the reception of each audio frame. After handling the AudioFrame class, you can record the audio.

Register a video observer object

  1. Implement the VideoFrameObserver interface and instantiate a VideoFrameObserver object.
  2. Call the registerVideoFrameObserver method in the AgoraMediaPlayerKit interface to register a video observer object (observer) and listen for the event that confirms the reception of each video frame. After handling the VideoFrame class, you can record the video or take screenshots of the video.

Preparations for playback

  1. Call the setView method in the AgoraMediaPlayerKit interface to set the render view of the player.

  2. Call the setRenderMode method in the AgoraMediaPlayerKit interface to set the rendering mode of the player's view.

  3. Call the open method in the AgoraMediaPlayerKit interface to open the media resource. The media resource path can be a network path or a local path. Both absolute and relative paths are supported.

    Do not proceed until you receive the onPlayerStateChanged callback reporting PLAYER_STATE_OPEN_COMPLETED(2).

  4. Call the play method in the AgoraMediaPlayerKit interface to play the media resource locally.

Adjust playback settings

You can call several other methods in the AgoraMediaPlayerKit interface to implement various playback settings:

  • Pause/resume playback, adjust playback progress, adjust local playback volume, and so on.
  • Get the total duration of the media resource, get the current playback progress, get the current playback state, get the number of media streams in the media resource and detailed information about each media stream.

Stop playback

  1. Call the stop method in the AgoraMediaPlayerKit interface to stop playback.
  2. (Optional) Call the unregisterPlayerObserver method in the AgoraMediaPlayerKit interface to unregister the player observer object.
  3. Call the destroy method in the AgoraMediaPlayerKit interface to destroy the AgoraMediaPlayerKit instance.

Sample code

AgoraMediaPlayerKit agoraMediaPlayerKit1 = new AgoraMediaPlayerKit(this.getActivity());
agoraMediaPlayerKit1.registerPlayerObserver(new MediaPlayerObserver() {
public void onPlayerStateChanged(MediaPlayerState state, MediaPlayerError error) {
LogUtil.i("agoraMediaPlayerKit1 onPlayerStateChanged:"+state+" "+error);
public void onPositionChanged(final long position) {
LogUtil.i("agoraMediaPlayerKit1 onPositionChanged:"+position+" duration:"+player1Duration);
public void onPlayerEvent(MediaPlayerEvent eventCode) {
LogUtil.i("agoraMediaPlayerKit1 onEvent:"+eventCode);
public void onMetaData(final byte[] data) {
LogUtil.i("agoraMediaPlayerKit1 onMetaData "+ new String(data));
agoraMediaPlayerKit1.registerVideoFrameObserver(new VideoFrameObserver() {
public void onFrame(VideoFrame videoFrame) {
LogUtil.i("agoraMediaPlayerKit1 video onFrame :"+videoFrame);
agoraMediaPlayerKit1.registerAudioFrameObserver(new AudioFrameObserver() {
public void onFrame(AudioFrame audioFrame) {
LogUtil.i("agoraMediaPlayerKit1 audio onFrame :"+audioFrame);

Share media resources to remote

After integrating the MediaPlayer Kit, the Agora Native SDK, and the RtcChannelPublishHelper, follow these steps to synchronously share media resources played by the local user to all the remote users in the Agora channel.

Instantiate required objects

  1. Instantiate an RtcEngine object.
  2. Instantiate the AgoraMediaPlayerKit and RtcChannelPublishHelper objects.

Enable the player to complete playback preparations

Register the player, audio, and video observer objects, and complete the preparations for playback. See Play media resources locally for details.

Do not proceed until you receive the onPlayerStateChanged callback reporting PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING (3).

Enable the local user to join the channel by using the SDK

Refer to the Video SDK quickstart guide for details about how to enable the local user to join the LIVE_BROADCASTING channel in the role of BROADCASTER:

  1. Call the setChannelProfile method to set the channel profile to LIVE_BROADCASTING.

  2. Call the setClientRole method to set the local user role as the host.

  3. Call the enableVideo method to enable the video module.

  4. Call the joinChannel method to enable the local user to join the channel.

    Do not proceed until you receive the onJoinChannelSuccess callback.

Start sharing by using the helper

  1. Call the attachPlayerToRtc method to bundle the player with the Agora channel. And the playback window fully occupies the local user's view.

  2. Call the publishVideo/publishAudio method to share (publish) the video/audio stream in the media resource to remote users in the Agora channel.

  3. Call the adjustPublishSignalVolume method to adjust the voice volume of the local user (microphoneVolume) and the playback volume (movieVolume) heard by the remote user.

    The volume ranges from 0 to 400, where 100 indicates the original volume and 400 represents that the maximum volume can be 4 times the original volume (with built-in overflow protection).

Cancel sharing by using the helper

  1. Call the unpublishVideo/unpublishAudio method to unshare/unpublish the video/audio stream in the media resource.
  2. Call the detachPlayerFromRtc method to unbind the player from the Agora channel. The player's screen no longer occupies the local user's view.
  3. (Optional) Call setVideoSource( new AgoraDefaultSource() ) in the RtcEngine interface to switch the player's window back to the local user' view and enable remote users to see the local user again.
  4. Call the release method to release RtcChannelPublishHelper.
Do not skip this section and directly call the leaveChannel method to cancel the media stream being shared, otherwise abnormal behaviors occur when the local user rejoins the channel:
  • The previously unshared media stream automatically sends to the remote users.
  • The audio and video streams are not synchronized during playback.
  • Sample code

    RtcEngine mRtcEngine = RtcEngine.create(context,appid,null);
    RtcEngine agoraMediaPlayerKit = new AgoraMediaPlayerKit(context);
    RtcChannelPublishHelper rtcChannelPublishHelper = RtcChannelPublishHelper.getInstance();

    Get the log file

    The log file contains all the log events generated by the mediaplayer kit during runtime. The path of the log file is /sdcard/{Package name of the app}/agorasdk.log.

    API documentation

    See the API documentation.

    Interactive Live Streaming